Any updates on this problem?
My temporary fix is by disabling the NVIDIA when setting the video capture and then enabling the NVIDIA driver again.
The properties still can be open and see for the session.
After the first time restarting OBS (driver enabled), the input is still there, but it will not show properties windows and make OBS not respond. I think it should be ok as long as we do not change anything for the video capture settings.
However, it will not work for second restart, it will show black screen for the capture.
Using similar setup, shotcut dont have this problem, so I wonder if the problems is really come from nvidia driver or OBS behavior.
Hey Yall I Found a Fix! Run OBS in Compatibility mode! Right Click on the OBS Icon and go to properties. In the compatibility tab, I just set it to Win 8. Restart OBS if needed. Ive been dealing with this issue since i put my 3080 in. And literally only found this fix on a random article about game captures lol Tested this on Nvidia 528.02 (released on January 5th 2023) and OBS 29.0. Camera Loads, and opening the properties does not crash the program anymore.
Thanks, and this one I can also confirmed work without my roundabout of disabling nvidia driver