Very High Power usage while streming


If you think people are getting more out of less, run a Cinebench2024 stress tests on your system & see if it performing the way it should. There's tests for both the CPU & GPU.

Yeah, it needs more RAM.

No encoding session in that log,
It must be this


  • 2024-09-16 17-42-40.txt
    19.6 KB · Views: 17


Active Member
Success! Now you know how to tune your system/game for OBS.

I would run that monitor @ 120 instead of 144 when using OBS for a quality bump, but you do you.

Yep, increase bit-rate & test. If no drops @ 6k, up the res to 1080p.

18:17:43.930: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 124055
18:17:43.930: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 124113 (124116 attempted)
18:17:43.930: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 3 (0.0%)
18:17:43.930: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Freeing 9 remaining packets
18:17:43.933: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 3/124067 (0.0%)
18:17:43.934: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================


Active Member
Looking at the screenshots you provided, lowering the game Q appears to have freed up enough RAM, about 2GB. 82% utilized is still on the high side but way better than 90%. There still may be some periods of thrashing so keep an eye it, close apps that aren't needed.


Looking at the screenshots you provided, lowering the game Q appears to have freed up enough RAM, about 2GB. 82% utilized is still on the high side but way better than 90%. There still may be some periods of thrashing so keep an eye it, close apps that aren't needed.
Yes! I've tested 1080p 6000bitrate and it worked! (120hz)
At least on the statistics of OBS, also task manager seems like above.

(Fore the log ignore the audio monitoring problem, I've just disconnected the headphones)

I've also close some "client" and "help" of the photoshop program.

Never had RAM problem until now, I'll keep an eye on it.

Relatively soon I'll upgrade my PC.

I will run another little test tomorrow morning and if there's no problem I'll finally start again to stream.

For now thank you very much for the support. I know I'm not an expert in certain things and that it's not very easy to communicate with those who aren't.


  • 2024-09-16 17-42-40.txt
    36.9 KB · Views: 23


Active Member
Cool, check your apps that automatically start-up. Kill those not needed & just keep that RAM from getting over utilized.

Yep, it looks much better now. The log is cut off so no audio thread timing info to compare but since everything else has improved I'll bet that it has improved as well.

19:29:42.259: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 9 (0.0%)
19:29:42.259: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Freeing 6 remaining packets
19:29:42.259: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 9/110702 (0.0%)
19:29:42.261: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
19:29:42.298: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing


Cool, check your apps that automatically start-up. Kill those not needed & just keep that RAM from getting over utilized.

Yep, it looks much better now. The log is cut off so no audio thread timing info to compare but since everything else has improved I'll bet that it has improved as well.

19:29:42.259: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 9 (0.0%)
19:29:42.259: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Freeing 6 remaining packets
19:29:42.259: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 9/110702 (0.0%)
19:29:42.261: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
19:29:42.298: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
Live done, it goes well.
Experiencet a bit of cam lag for fraction of seconds, 3/4 times, and a little framedrop in a cutscene, but seems good.
No frame lost, no unstable event.

(Audio monitoring, again, it's because I've disconnected the headphones before the creation of the log -.-)
But: Max Audio Buffering, Source affected (potential cause): Webcam
Maybe this is the cause of the little lag in the cam.

Overall it's ok.
Thanks again for the help.


  • 2024-09-17 09-14-11.txt
    33.6 KB · Views: 18


Active Member
Looks OK as far as OBS set-up is concerned but your monitor was @ 144.

As far as the audio lag is concerned, I suspect your system was thrashing again.


Looks OK as far as OBS set-up is concerned but your monitor was @ 144.

As far as the audio lag is concerned, I suspect your system was thrashing again.
Yes, probabily at the end of the live. RAM usage are at 80%, still high. GPU 40% at max.
I don't know if disabling V-Sync can be good (OBS suggest to leave it on)
Changet at 120hz while the live already started.


Active Member
The audio went off the tracks a little over 7 minutes after you started streaming & the buffering lasted 2 seconds.

Leave v-sync on.

Don't do that again. Switch the refresh rate before OBS is opened....


The audio went off the tracks a little over 7 minutes after you started streaming & the buffering lasted 2 seconds.

Leave v-sync on.

Don't do that again. Switch the refresh rate before OBS is opened....
Yes. Done it before oben OBS and I've left V-sync on. All the live go fine.
Thank you!