SMG now playing

Non-Free SMG now playing 2.22


New Member
Hi, my SMG doesn't seem to work for spotify. It works for Itunes and everything else but spotify. any help will be appreciated.


New Member


Yes, please elaborate! :) Very much would like to get Spotify working with this again. Thanks!


You have to use the old version of spotify. Spotify broke alot of stuff with their last update not just SMG. Not trying to be rude, but this has been covered to death in the previous pages. In fact, I posted one page back how to fix it.

Click this to see the fix: SMG now playing

I'm actually going to release a new version of SMG this week, it contains a fix for the newest Spotify (while still supporting the old one too)


Alright guys, it's time for a new release!

I've decided, since SMG takes a lot of time to maintain, that I'm going to charge a small fee to use SMG. It's a one-time payment, and it will grant you a lifetime license.

From this point on, SMG will cost € 5,-
You can also pay with bitcoin!

Older versions of SMG will remain free.

You can buy SMG here

However, in this release, I've made sure that nearly all bugs were resolved. I've fixed over 8 music players, this release supports the newest Spotify too.

Here's a list of fixes for this version

- SMG is now even sturdier. You can remove, break and rename any configuration file, directory or resource and smg will fix itself. Magic!
- I've systematically tested every single music player one-by-one, fresh installations of every player. All music players are known to be working, unless otherwise specified
There are problems with:
- Zune and Windows Media Player, they may not work on all systems. You could try running SMG as administrator, but these are NOT guaranteed to work.
- MPC-HC, takes song names from filenames, so you'll get song names like "Eagle Fly Free.mp3" instead of "Helloween - Eagle Fly Free"
Sony Music Unlimited and Grooveshark do not exist anymore, so support has been removed for these music players. RIP
- Fixed foobar double song-name issue
- Fixed soundcloud
- Removed Grooveshark ;(
- Added support for post-update spotify, old spotify remains supported under "spotify before update"
- Fixed Groovemarklet for Google Chrome
- Icons are back!
- YouTube now doesn't display that it needs groovemarklet anymore (since it doesn't!)
- Fixed output folder option

Music players fixed in this release: Foobar2000, SoundCloud, VLC media player, Winamp, Osu! and Spotify.
Last edited:


Azeirah updated SMG now playing with a new update entry:

Release 2.0, Spotify, SoundCloud and more fix!

It's time for release 2.0

- SMG is now even sturdier. You can remove, break and rename any configuration file, directory or resource and smg will fix itself. Magic!
- I've systematically tested every single music player one-by-one, fresh installations of every player. All music players are known to be working, unless otherwise specified
There are problems with:
- Zune and Windows Media Player, they may not work on all systems. You could try running SMG as administrator, but these are NOT...

Read the rest of this update entry...

Nerdy Mike

New Member
Hello Azeriah,

Thank you for the full release, and I can understand the want / need to make this a "pay for support" option. $5.00 is totally acceptable!

However - I have tried to purchase SMG through the URL that you've supplied and I am getting the following error:

"You did not set a valid publishable key. Call Strip.setPublishableKey() with your publishable key."


Hello Azeriah,

Thank you for the full release, and I can understand the want / need to make this a "pay for support" option. $5.00 is totally acceptable!

However - I have tried to purchase SMG through the URL that you've supplied and I am getting the following error:

"You did not set a valid publishable key. Call Strip.setPublishableKey() with your publishable key."

Yep, you're absolutely right, sorry. I forgot to replace my test key with a live key. Thanks for letting me know, and thanks a lot for purchasing smg :)

If you have any other problems, definitely let me know.

Nerdy Mike

New Member
Hello Azeirah,

I am getting this on your charge.php page:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest' with message 'No such token: tok_160KC1CaciffIy9INXQrwHoi; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.' in /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->handleApiError('{\n "error": {\n...', 400, Array) #1 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->_interpretResponse('{\n "error": {\n...', 400) #2 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->request('post', '/v1/charges', Array, Array) #3 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiResource::_staticRequest('post', '/v1/charges', Array, NULL) in/home/edupennl/public_html/ on line 144

Could you please verify / make sure if my credit card was or was not charged before I try again?


Hello Azeirah,

I am getting this on your charge.php page:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest' with message 'No such token: tok_160KC1CaciffIy9INXQrwHoi; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.' in /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->handleApiError('{\n "error": {\n...', 400, Array) #1 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->_interpretResponse('{\n "error": {\n...', 400) #2 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiRequestor->request('post', '/v1/charges', Array, Array) #3 /home/edupennl/public_html/ Stripe\ApiResource::_staticRequest('post', '/v1/charges', Array, NULL) in/home/edupennl/public_html/ on line 144

Could you please verify / make sure if my credit card was or was not charged before I try again?

I can confirm your creditcard remains uncharged.
I've found another place where I had been using a test key instead of a live key. Sorry for the messy release :|

If you could try again, I'm certain I'm using live keys now.

Nerdy Mike

New Member
Got it! Thank you!! :D

Just a little help here: I did get this PHP Warning:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/edupennl/public_html/ in/home/edupennl/public_html/ on line 5

But I did get the license key via email (You may want to inform people that it might pop in their Junk Mail folder).

Going to give it a go tonight. :)


Okay that worked for me, thanks for sorting it out so quickly! :)

Can you confirm you received the email, and that your license key allows you access to SMG? This is a part I've tested extensively, but I just want to make sure.

Also, thanks for the purchase!