Replay Source

Replay Source 1.8.1


Did you find it practical to use n seconds of replay rather than defining the start and end times?
I think the sports industry uses in/out points, can this be accommodated?
I have to do a sports shoot in a few days, and am trying to get instant replay functionality
it place. We may be OK for one shoot with a fixed replay time... I don't know yet.


When I use the load hot key, the replay scene in preview does not update until
I take it to program and back again. It reliably takes, but I don't get to see the beginning
frame for confidence.


New Member
Did you find it practical to use n seconds of replay rather than defining the start and end times?
I think the sports industry uses in/out points, can this be accommodated?
I have to do a sports shoot in a few days, and am trying to get instant replay functionality
it place. We may be OK for one shoot with a fixed replay time... I don't know yet.

The way that is now working for me is a combination of OBS, Touch Portal and FFMPEG batch scripts (called by Touch Portal)

Have a look at this and the sample video

hope this helps


New Member
The way that is now working for me is a combination of OBS, Touch Portal and FFMPEG batch scripts (called by Touch Portal)

Have a look at this and the sample video

hope this helps

This is what I end up with video-wise, the main recording and Replay in one folder (replay scene only uses this 'Game Replay Clip.mkv')

... and a load of clips in another, which I can use later as say, 'Half Time highlights', and also in post edit as these clips will make my highlight video from. All the clips copied and cut by ffmpeg on the fly dependent on which button I clicked in Touch Portal

Hope this helps


This is what I end up with video-wise, the main recording and Replay in one folder (replay scene only uses this 'Game Replay Clip.mkv')
View attachment 76715

... and a load of clips in another, which I can use later as say, 'Half Time highlights', and also in post edit as these clips will make my highlight video from. All the clips copied and cut by ffmpeg on the fly dependent on which button I clicked in Touch Portal
View attachment 76716

Hope this helps
Hi- I'm just using real time replays, I don't have any need for file captures, thanks!


We are going to try to work with fixed number of second captures, some safe amount like
10 seconds, but it would be so much better for sports replay to be able to set the start
and the end, then make the take to program. For football- start at the snap, end at the tackle,
wait, then take to program. This seems a little more like how the replay buffer is set up,
but I don't want to write to disk and playback... it seems Replay Source is working out
of memory buffers that it is filling itself from the selected source. That's awesome.
I just would like an alternate to the "fill" function provided in the hotkeys.


I can't use it at all now. It was working, but for other reasons I reinstalled OBS
then later applied this plugin as a final feature to my shoot.
Now OBS is crashing after invoking the Replay Source load and transition to view.
withing three for four tries.
OBS was stable for a long test until I introduced this plugin.
Are you interested in the crash logs?


I sent you some logs on private msg. I dont think I'd be short on memory. Every time I've checked task manager I'm using next to nothing
in CPU or memory. Its an I7 machine with 24GB memory. I'll be happy to work with you on it if you need more info.
I wiped and resinstalled OBS to have a known configuraiton for tomorrow. I won't want to add plugins back in till the weekend.
Hopefully the crash log cinches it anyway. Thanks!


New Member

I have two issues related to Replay source plugin that I cannot solve by myself:
Setup: OBS 27.1.3, Replay source (1.6.9) plugin, Elgato Camlink 4K capture dongle and Win 10.
Max 1 replay in memory, duration 5500ms, restart visibility action and hide after single - next scen is back to main scene where I have video camera input including filter

Issue 1:

Replay plugin freezes randomly so that after loading replay (shortcut F1), it doesn't show latest reply at half speed (F3). After that "freeze" it doesn't load or play anything. If I close OBS and start it again, it will function correctly for a while.

It might freeze more often if I try to load e.g. 2 replays during very short time period (before 1st replay has been loaded).

Do anybody have some ideas how to solve this issue?

Issue 2:
When saving replay, file is saved but the color of the saved video is very green - like fully green. I can confirm that this can be solved if changing color format (settings->advanced settings) to RGB, but this will heavily increase CPU usage, so it is not the way how it should be.

Any idea how to fix this?


New Member
Can it be configured so i have two hotkeys for saving live source in one and preview source in the other while i stream the last one saved with a single key??


New Member
The plugin functionality sounds awesome!!... I'm trying to implement it but I am unable to use the REPLAY FILTER to my source. It disappears as soon as I apply it :(

UPDATE: Nevermind, fixed it by using the same name as the source's for the filter name....


New Member
I have some issues.
First i thought its my fault.
I removed all related files in appdata and program files.
I reinstalled OBS and Replay Source Plug in.
I reconfigured all scenes. But, as soon i "configure Replay Source"

But once i close OBS, the OBS doesn't start anymore. Task manager show OBS process, but OBS doesn't open. I Tried several times.... diferent configs. Solution is remove appdata and recofigure all. Any guess? Plugin looks great.... but i dont wanna reconfigure all the time the OBS. Hope there are a solution.

ps: When i uninstall the plugin. OBS works.


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New Member
Hello! Thanks for a perfect plugin! I love it. I use this one for figure skating competitions. But I have a question! If there are, for instance, 5 or 6 replays, is it possible to do a smooth transition between this replays (fade-in/fade-out)? Thanks in advance for your ideas!


New Member
Are there limits on replay source frame rates? Is failing to create a 2D texture a bad thing?

I am trying to use replay source for a multi-camera sports setup. Two cameras feed 1080p60, one at 4k30 and one at 4k30 all through separate gstreamer sources. The canvas size is 3840x2160 and streaming output is 4k60. Things look great, 6-8ms render times and .3% frames missed due to rendering lag over 2 hours of live streaming. No problems with performance, task manager has happy numbers on cpu(40%), intel gpu(37%), nvidia gpu(70%), network(45mbps incoming, 40mbps up) and memory (16/32GB).

To capture replays I've added a scene which includes all 4 camera gstreamer sources, each in a 1920x1080 corner of the 4k canvas. That scene is displayed in a windowed projector which has been reduced to about 640x360. The projector window is hidden behind the OBS main window.

I've added a "Replay" scene with one replay source. When I press Load Replay in the properties panel or use my defined load replay hotkey the replay is loaded and played - but the replay frame rate is < 1 fps.

In the Replay Source properties video source is set to one of the 1080p60 camera gstreamer sources. Audio is blank, duration has been attempted between 4000-18000ms, load delay 0, max replays 1, visibility Restart, start delay 0, end action hide after all, Speed percentage is 100.

The log file shows:

14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.17 seconds
14:35:13.850: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] updated filter for 'CAM-3B'
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] connected to 'CAM-3B'
14:35:45.351: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:35:45.352: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.13 seconds
14:36:01.533: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:39:00.410: User switched to scene 'Full Field'
14:39:55.385: Settings changed (stream 1)
14:39:55.385: ------------------------------------------------
14:40:00.931: [jim-nvenc: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
14:40:00.931: rate_control: CBR
14:40:00.931: bitrate: 25000
14:40:00.931: cqp: 20
14:40:00.931: keyint: 120
14:40:00.931: preset: llhq
14:40:00.931: profile: high
14:40:00.931: width: 3840
14:40:00.931: height: 2160
14:40:00.931: 2-pass: false
14:40:00.931: b-frames: 3
14:40:00.931: lookahead: true
14:40:00.931: psycho_aq: true
14:40:01.013: ---------------------------------
14:40:01.013: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'adv_stream_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 1, channel_layout: 4
14:40:01.014: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_stream'] Using muxer settings:
14:40:01.014: method=PUT
14:40:01.014: http_persistent=1
14:40:01.014: ignore_io_errors=1
14:40:01.014: http_user_agent=libobs/26.1.0
14:40:01.014: hls_time=2
14:40:01.019: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
14:40:01.019: [ffmpeg hls muxer: 'adv_stream'] Writing to path '{stream_key}&copy=0&file=out.m3u8'...

I've tried switching to the StreamFX NVenc encoder but haven't found a set of parameters that match the stock NVEnc gpu utilization - everything I've tried uses 30% or more. Not sure if that matters for this issue so just noting it.

I have a similar issue with a gstreamer source. Were you ever able to solve the <1 fps replay playback rate?


New Member
I'm trying to use this plugin to do an "instant replay" for a pinewood derby race. I have most of it working, but struggling with two parts. Here's how I have it set up:
1. Camera set up right on the finish line. We want to show a slow motion finish line crossing.
2. Replay Source "Load Replay" hotkey set to trigger automatically when a car passes the finish line
3. Replay Source's Source is set to the video capture device

When set like this, nothing ever get captured. Ever. I can repeat that over and over. Instead if I change #3 above, the Replay Source's Source to instead a scene with nothing but the video capture device full screened, then it works fine. This is my first problem. I can't seem to use the video capture device as a source. This isn't that bad, I can work with this.

The second issue is a bigger issue for me. The finish line crossing is maybe 1 total second for all the cars.. Maybe 2.. The entire race is like 5-10 seconds TOPS. The replay source, no matter how long I set the "Duration" to, seems to always capture 5-10 seconds (maybe like a minimum). So if I super slow motion the replay, I end up getting the entire race in slow motion.

What I want:
1. On finish line crossing, trigger replay. (doing this now)
2. Replay captures 500ms before the trigger and 500ms after the trigger. (Capture the lead car winning and the last car finally crossing, so might need to play with these numbers)
3. Playback that 1000ms replay at 30% speed 3x times.
4. I don't need to save any replays, just discard and get ready for the next one.

Is this possible?
