@MCBYT: what you do locally on your system is totally up to you. But here on the forum, please don't publish and don't recommend dangerous and not best practice settings to the public. People might start using them and experience losses. Mp4 is dangerous, because it results in unrecoverable footage if recording is aborted. From time to time we have heartbroken posts where someone asks to recover his *.mp4 that contains the most important recording in his life. The only answer to this is "It's gone forever. You can delete your 15GB junk mp4 file that's supposed to contain a video of your wedding". Every format is recoverable except mp4. It's so easy to avoid this loss: simply not choose mp4. So don't recommend mp4.
Crashes and blue screens might not happen for you, because you have decent hardware, but not every OBS user has decent hardware. For some users it is normal that his computer crashes once a day or once a week, where on the other hand if someone has decent hardware and healthy Windows 10, it doesn't crash even once a year.