Question / Help OSB Recording Issue on intel hd graphics (Lagging)


New Member
can anyone help me plz i want to record games in 720p 60fps
im getting 60fps in all my games but on my recording videos its like 30fps
my specs :
cpu: i7 7700k
gpu: intel hd 630
ram: 16gb 3200mhz single chanel
thats my OBS settings :


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Active Member
Ideally we need one with a recording attempt, but before we even get to that, display capture is the LEAST efficient method of capturing games. Use game capture unless the game specifically requires you to use something else.

As for recording settings,
For high-quality, no fuss recordings, use the recording quality presets.

1) Under Settings > Output, set the mode to Simple output.
2) In the recording section, change the Recording Quality to Indistinguishable Quality
3) Select your encoder. A hardware encoder is recommended if it is available.

And don't save directly to mp4.


New Member
Ideally we need one with a recording attempt, but before we even get to that, display capture is the LEAST efficient method of capturing games. Use game capture unless the game specifically requires you to use something else.

As for recording settings,

And don't save directly to mp4.
ayy man thnx a lot
i will try that


New Member
Ideally we need one with a recording attempt, but before we even get to that, display capture is the LEAST efficient method of capturing games. Use game capture unless the game specifically requires you to use something else.

As for recording settings,

And don't save directly to mp4.
well thats worst man


well thats worst man
Was game capture a black screen? I use window capture and it works fairly well (I'm getting a graphics card today but I've been on Intel until now)
Try recording in something like 720p45. It's much smoother than 30fps and looks almost like 60.


New Member
Was game capture a black screen? I use window capture and it works fairly well (I'm getting a graphics card today but I've been on Intel until now)
Try recording in something like 720p45. It's much smoother than 30fps and looks almost like 60.
bro give me your full settings


saving directly to mp4 is recommended in precisely 0 cases.
MP4 is the superior file-type, imports well into Vegas, and has no reason for re-encoding. Since my PC/OBS has crashed a total of exactly 0 times, I have no issues.


Active Member
No it is not the superior file type.
An MP4 that doesn't finalize properly is compatible with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

An MKV or FLV that doesn't finalize properly can still be converted.


No it is not the superior file type.
An MP4 that doesn't finalize properly is compatible with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

An MKV or FLV that doesn't finalize properly can still be converted.
MP4 works with all my applications across both my computer and tablet, whereas MKV works only on my computer and FLV works on only some PC applications. As I've never crashed and likely never will while recording, I have absolutely no reason not to use MP4.
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Active Member
Record to FLV or MKV. If you record to MP4 and the recording is interrupted, the file will be corrupted and unrecoverable. If you require MP4 files for some other purpose like editing, remux them afterwards by selecting File > Remux Recordings in the main OBS Studio window.

Don't save directly to mp4.
Don't recommend people save directly to mp4.


Active Member
@MCBYT: what you do locally on your system is totally up to you. But here on the forum, please don't publish and don't recommend dangerous and not best practice settings to the public. People might start using them and experience losses. Mp4 is dangerous, because it results in unrecoverable footage if recording is aborted. From time to time we have heartbroken posts where someone asks to recover his *.mp4 that contains the most important recording in his life. The only answer to this is "It's gone forever. You can delete your 15GB junk mp4 file that's supposed to contain a video of your wedding". Every format is recoverable except mp4. It's so easy to avoid this loss: simply not choose mp4. So don't recommend mp4.

Crashes and blue screens might not happen for you, because you have decent hardware, but not every OBS user has decent hardware. For some users it is normal that his computer crashes once a day or once a week, where on the other hand if someone has decent hardware and healthy Windows 10, it doesn't crash even once a year.


@MCBYT: what you do locally on your system is totally up to you. But here on the forum, please don't publish and don't recommend dangerous and not best practice settings to the public. People might start using them and experience losses. Mp4 is dangerous, because it results in unrecoverable footage if recording is aborted. From time to time we have heartbroken posts where someone asks to recover his *.mp4 that contains the most important recording in his life. The only answer to this is "It's gone forever. You can delete your 15GB junk mp4 file that's supposed to contain a video of your wedding". Every format is recoverable except mp4. It's so easy to avoid this loss: simply not choose mp4. So don't recommend mp4.

Crashes and blue screens might not happen for you, because you have decent hardware, but not every OBS user has decent hardware. For some users it is normal that his computer crashes once a day or once a week, where on the other hand if someone has decent hardware and healthy Windows 10, it doesn't crash even once a year.
Don't save directly to mp4.
Don't recommend people save directly to mp4.
Not recommending it to everyone, he just asked for my settings and I gave my settings.