I am not sure what happened, so I'm going to ask here to see if maybe it's something that's an easy answer or quick fix. I have been using this shaderpack to create a couple of different fire effects on my camera (both fire and fire3) for a couple of years now. After I downloaded the most recent version, the flame effects are disappointing compared to whatever version I was on previously. I am not sure what version that was, but I updated to OBS 30 mid-last year, so that's probably the most recent version I had before 2.3.2.
I've messed with the settings and the options for blending the cam image itself with the flame result in very little that's visible. The best results are when I uncheck "Apply to Image", but of course my image is gone at that point.
Hoping there's a setting I'm missing, a new configuration (which I know has changed because the settings are different), or just a tweak in the shader file itself: I'm good with the pre-built shaders, but not versed in altering the files that create them. In the meantime I might throw another image in with the camera to run the flame effects against that with my camera behind.