@Dayset obs-shaderfilter has floating point numbers. What shader are you using and what are you trying to do with it?
@Exeldro I am using the FREEZE plugin. There are no floating points, sorry for discussing FREEZE here.
I created several zones to capture - the outer range is low FPS, while the central area is high FPS.
My initial idea was to use as many 'circular zones' as possible to gradually decrease the framerate from the center. But after trying the whole integer zone I noticed that it is not working as simply as "16.67 ms ~ 17ms no worries". I even have to use
120 fps OBS capture to precisely use FREEZE timings.
Here is a demo of 2 distinctly visible zones
(8 ms pause: Approximately
61.22 fps and 40 ms pause: Approximately
20.69 fps.) - while aiming and shooting
and 3rd special zone of 26 ms pause: Approximately
29.13 fps - while running around in an FPS game.