Where exactly are you telling it to install the plugin? Most of the time, using a "normal" installation of OBS Studio, you shouldn't have to.
If you used a normal installation of OBS Studio, i.e. not from Steam, not from the Microsoft store, but straight-up from an installer, nominally, it should be "C:\Program Files\obs-studio". And if you do tell it,
it has to be the base of your OBS Studio installation, not the plugin directory.
In other words, if you are asked to fill it out and it is
not filled out and it is in the "nominal" (you did not tell OBS Studio's installer to install it anywhere else) install, it should be:
C:\Program Files\obs-studio
It should
not be:
C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins
Plus you may be specifying a directory that may not exist. When in doubt, use the "browse" button in the installer. This ensures that the installer can actually see the directory you're trying to install to.
--Katt. =^.^=