
Move 3.0.1


New Member
I'm a mac & OBS noob, and having no luck getting the Move plugin (3.0.0) installed on my M2 Mac Mini (Sonoma 14.5 & OBS 30.1.2).

Downloaded & clicked on the "move-transition-3.0.0-macos-x86_64.pkg" file and just went through the normal install options but at the last step it told me that the installation failed (screenshot below). Tried with older versions of the plugin, but same problem.

I've spent hours reading the forums and searching for a fix...have a feeling it's something very basic (a security permission thing??) that I can't figure out since I'm also new to MacOS.

I can't even find the MacOS Install Log, and the OBS logs show nothing regarding the plugin.

Tried moving the pkg file onto the desktop from the Downloads folder, but that didn't work either.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 10.25.24 AM.png


New Member
I had some code in that broke in the move update. I'm using a CreateSourceFilter request in obs-websocket to create a Move Value Filter of the move_value_type Typing. The filter is created successfully, and shows as enabled upon creation, but does not actually animate typing out the text. I can work around this with a modification of my code.

Here's an example request:
  "requestType": "CreateSourceFilter",
  "requestData": {
    "sourceName": "[TS] Type Animate",
    "filterName": "Animate",
    "filterKind": "move_value_filter",
    "filterSettings": {
      "duration": 1587,
      "easing_match": 0,
      "end_delay": 0,
      "filter": "",
      "move_value_type": 4,
      "next_move": "",
      "setting_name": "text",
      "setting_text": "This is a message 1 2 3\n                         \n                         \n                         ",
      "simultaneous_move": "",
      "start_trigger": 13,
      "value_type": 4

The question is: is this expected behavior now?


New Member
@Exeldro could it be possible for a future release to change a movement duration to a random interval between two values of milliseconds? Also, you could add a random duration in pre-move and post-move delays. That would be nice to make move-loops to be more dynamic in some circumstances. You already a similar feature in "Move Filter" when specifying the value of a parameter, you can select a random value between two values and it's wonderful. Thanks in advance, this is the best OBS plugin IMHO :)


New Member
Hi @Exeldro! First time commenting here. Thanks for developoing this amazing plugin. I've been playing with the "move value" option to change the size of a mask of my webcam, and I notice it flickers when the filter is applied.
The example is this one:
I have my webcam with an advanced mask filter applied. I want it to be square in a scene and rectangular on other scene, so I set two filters called "val1" and "val2".

These are my filters applied to my webcam


When I activate "val1", the mask filter gets the square shape. When I activate val2, the mask filter gets the rectangular shape. When any "val1" or "val2" are activated, I see the size of mask changing, but the image flickers once.

Any idea what could this be?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
Hi @Exeldro! First time commenting here. Thanks for developoing this amazing plugin. I've been playing with the "move value" option to change the size of a mask of my webcam, and I notice it flickers when the filter is applied.
The example is this one:
I have my webcam with an advanced mask filter applied. I want it to be square in a scene and rectangular on other scene, so I set two filters called "val1" and "val2".

These are my filters applied to my webcam


When I activate "val1", the mask filter gets the square shape. When I activate val2, the mask filter gets the rectangular shape. When any "val1" or "val2" are activated, I see the size of mask changing, but the image flickers once.

Any idea what could this be?

Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I figured it out. For the "val1" and "val2" filters, I had to click on the "get values" button first and then change the sliders I wanted. Otherwise, the image flickered.


New Member
Maybe something changed, but the setup I had before the last two updates is not working fully anymore. I use move value up and move value down for two audio sources to fade audio in and out. It moves the audio up and down for my music source but not my gameplay one. I have tried it a few times and it seems like nothing is fixing it. Been working for over a year like this and it just stopped.