Exeldro, I need your help. I've downloaded your newest version 0.4.1 64-bit version and installed it. No errors during installation, it went in super smooth, and it shows up in the plugin folder. C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit The problem is it doesn't show in View/Docks, so I am unable to use it. I'm running an older version of OBS because I'm still on Win 7 64-bit. I think I'm running the newest version that works on Win 7, which is 25.0.8 (64-bit) This newest version of Media Controls probably isn't designed to work with this OS, is there a link to old archived versions? I came up with the idea of using OBS as a giant Teleprompter, using a large screen TV. After many days of working on this I finally having it looking exactly the way I want. Large fonts, all in CAPS. The only drawback was when shooting Rock Videos, it just starts playing right away. Nearly impossible to get ready in time. Then I stumbled across I guy who promotes your contributions named "Andilippi" and viola, I thought I was saved. But after I installed it, it didn't show up. I guess I'll have to live with that. But aside from that, I'm wondering if you can code the other two features that would really make my life so much easier? One is to be able to save in Projector Screen mode, one that has the transport controls at the bottom of the screen. And maybe with the option to right click to get back to the GUI. I'd like OBS to open up in Projector Screen mode, and just hit play to start shooting the videos. That would be super SWEET!! And lastly a way to link the scrolling lyrics to the Audio backing track, so that I could time those two things together more precisely. As it now, both the scrolling and audio start as soon as you open up the program, hardly ideal. And if you pause the audio the scrolling continue. It's crazy!! Anyways, I'm open to any and all suggestions you have. It's so close now......I can almost taste it! Thank you so much for your contributions. You are a scholar among mere Men.