Media Controls

Media Controls 0.4.1


Added this to my obs folder but somehow not seeing it in the docks. I'm able to see the media-controls folder in the data/obs-plugins folder and media-controls.dll and pdb in the obs-plugins/64-bit folder. Quite sure I downloaded the right version (64-bit) also. Any clue why this might be. I'm on 25.0.4


New Member
Hello, I've been waiting for something like this on OBS for years, could you explain how to use it? Would I have to have another plugin?
Exeldro submitted a new resource:

Media Controls - Add Media Controls Dock to OBS

Read more about this resource...

First of all, thanks a lot for this plugin. You are just a genius. Thanks again.

My OBS crashes if:

- SceneA has some media sources.
- Activate Studio Mode
- Adding a new multimedia source to SceneA (SceneA in preview and in program)
- Click transition button
- crash.txt

In other hand.

When changing to another scene collection, sometimes the plugin keeps showing the media sources of the last scene collection


  • crash.txt
    134.7 KB · Views: 167


New Member
Good evening,
excellent utility.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me either, after changing some scenes the program exits.
Best regards and good day.


New Member
Mac User...
Install issue: Not show in view menu.
Log: I find in obs log that you call some library from qt that is not in my computer and fail to start media-controls.


New Member
Hey guys, it's not working! :-(
PFB the log file with the error:

21:57:10.033: LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/media-controls.dll': The specified module could not be found.
21:57:10.033: (126)
21:57:10.033: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/media-controls.dll' not loaded

The files are in place, chech it out:

D:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit>dir *media*
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 56A7-B590

Directory of D:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit

15/07/2020 10:13 62.464 media-controls.dll
15/07/2020 10:12 2.183.168 media-controls.pdb
2 File(s) 2.245.632 bytes
0 Dir(s) 91.322.605.568 bytes free

The permissions in the files are also ok:

D:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit>icacls *media*
media-controls.dll BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(M)

media-controls.pdb BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(M)

Successfully processed 2 files; Failed processing 0 files

Any idea?

Windows 10 release 2004
OBS Studio 25.0.8 (64 bit)


New Member
i installed "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio" as suggested.
Nothing has changed, I have the same problems.
Attached the crash file.
good day everyone


  • Crash 2020-07-16 04-39-59.txt
    150 KB · Views: 123


New Member
I have installed version 2
It works perfectly, BRAVO.
I did many tests, no mistakes, no crashes.
I have a question for you if you can answer me.
I use the Source "VLC Video Source"
There is a command, to prevent the video used with "VLC Video Source" starting immediately when OBS STUDIO is launched
Thanks for the help, congratulations for the work you do


New Member
I followed the tutorial, I did it as explained.
My problem is:

I have inserted a "Media Source" (mp4 file)


"VLC Video Source" (DVD vob files),


I reopen OBS STUDIO and the two videos start automatically.


Active Member
I reopen OBS STUDIO and the two videos start automatically.
I'm suspecting you are dealing with the default OBS behavior, unrelated to the plug-in. If you have a scene, and media sources in the scene are enabled, when you switch to the scene, the sources will start. If you don't want the sources to auto start, don't enable them (little icon to left of padlock)