It seems, for sending inputs remotely, the plugin (unfortunately) has to run an OBS on the gaming machine to act as a server? if i get that correctly, i would like to ask if the server can send it without an OBS running, as you know the best part of dual pc streaming is not sharing resources between the game and OBS...
The Longer version of that text:
hi there, i have been using your plugin since the early days, it was tricky to customize but i was able to achieve what ever look and feel i wanted.
View attachment 78952
see the preview, i was using it for football games hence the chalk style outlines with minimal ui! I basically deleted most of the overlay gfx and added checlky outlines to it. what extra i had to do was, I had to use two circular lines as a background undernearth the overlay so that it was more readable of how far the analogs were pushed.If i did not do that, there were not elements on the overlay to understand how far and the directionality of the analogs pushed.
Anyways... as the plugins was working great already, i never had to check for updates apart from the initial review. I was using ds4windows.exe for both gaming and streaming machines where i connected to gaming pc through usb cable while using bluetooth for sending inputs to streaming pc.
Lately, i stopped using the input overlay due to lack of games needing them but also the requirement of a usb cable hassle for dual pc streaming usage.
Now i have read that you can actually achieve remote sending of inputs, does this mean , we just have to launch the client32/64.exe in the gaming pc while plugin receives it in the OBS? or is it like the gaming pc needs and obs running to send inputs? I just started the client64.exe and either the exe crashed rapidly or there are some things that i am missing...
I will further test things out and update my post if it really can send inputs to streaming pc without an obs running (so only obs for receiving on streaming pc)