CLR Browser Source Plugin [OBS Classic ONLY]


New Member
So ok, i got OBS 64bit setup correctly with CLR Browser plugin, trying to use TeeBoard as Notification, it works correctly on TeeBoard but it shows nothing in OBS, ive set SingleProcess to True, and allowed the folder "Widget" into website and "Http://absolute" still not getting this to work, any ideas?


So ok, i got OBS 64bit setup correctly with CLR Browser plugin, trying to use TeeBoard as Notification, it works correctly on TeeBoard but it shows nothing in OBS, ive set SingleProcess to True, and allowed the folder "Widget" into website and "Http://absolute" still not getting this to work, any ideas?
I know it's both TeeBoard and CLR Browser related, but probably best to post TeeBoard related questions here:

In case you have Skype, contact me here: and I'll send you my Skype ID.


New Member
Having a like issue - I think it might come down to being on Windows 8.1 x64

If I put "Single Process" on and attempt to start up the Stream (even preview) it'll crash OBS with the following:

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\macromed\flash\npswf64_13_0_0_214.dll' module.

Fault address: 00000000637659EF (c:\windows\system32\macromed\flash\npswf64_13_0_0_214.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.624b

If I edit the HTML and change "Transparent" to "Window" it'll work with the static background in there. (With Single Process disabled)


Having a like issue - I think it might come down to being on Windows 8.1 x64

If I put "Single Process" on and attempt to start up the Stream (even preview) it'll crash OBS with the following:

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\macromed\flash\npswf64_13_0_0_214.dll' module.

Fault address: 00000000637659EF (c:\windows\system32\macromed\flash\npswf64_13_0_0_214.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.624b

If I edit the HTML and change "Transparent" to "Window" it'll work with the static background in there. (With Single Process disabled)

So far everyone I talked to (having issues with CLR Browser crashing) was running Win 8 and using 64bit OBS + CLR Browser plugin. Switching to 32bit usually fixes it. On Win 7, using 64bit OBS + CLR browser plugin, it will only crash when exiting the program.

It is indeed related to the Single Process property, which is required for transparency to work, but why exactly it works in 32bit and fails in 64bit, I don't know. Could be the CLR Browser plugin or could be the Flash plugin, but that's something for Faruton to figure out, unfortunately he hasn't been around for a while now.

Moving forward, I may have to look for someone with C/C# skillz to develop a working Flash Source plugin for OBS + TeeBoard.


So I'm using OBS 64bit (same as my OS) and whenever I'm trying to close out of OBS I get an error/crash and it tells me its related to CLR Plugin in the OBS logs.

Dump file refuses to upload :x


  • OBSCrashLog2014-05-26_1.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 49


New Member
This plugin previous played my youtube urls with audio. I notice now that the youtube audio is set to mute. Anyone know how to get the plugin to start my youtube urls unmuted?


Community Helper
I updated the OP to reflect that the 64bit version of the CLR Browser source is not stable. If anyone here wants to make sure they have a stable experience, use the 32bit version.


New Member
Hey guys, first off wanna say I am loving this plugin very nice.

I do have a a question though, Is there a way to capture only a portion of the screen? and how would I be able to do that?
Hey guys, first off wanna say I am loving this plugin very nice.

I do have a a question though, Is there a way to capture only a portion of the screen? and how would I be able to do that?
couldn't you just use window capture or monitor capture within OBS ready available feature? But I assume that would involve having a additional window open. I honestly think the easiest way would to set the window size to 1280x720 or 1920x1080 in CLR Browser and then crop BUT I honestly don't know. Have not ever tried that.


The Helping Squad
@SBWildFire, you can crop any source as you want to. So yes, you can only "show" a part of the screen.
This plugin technically does not capture anything. It will render a webpage at the size you set it to. But by cropping you can only show a portion if wanted.


New Member

first: nice plugin! good job

second: currently i'm trying to load the source into my Visual Studio Express 2013 but i get the following errors:
Warnung 2 The referenced project '..\..\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHostInterop\CLRHostInterop.vcxproj' does not exist. CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
Warnung 1 The referenced project '..\..\xilium.cefglue_chrome29\CefGlue\CefGlue.csproj' does not exist. CLRBrowserSourcePlugin

Can u help me to fix it?


New Member
I can make my own plugins using my webdev skills, this is pure awesomeness ! Very smooth animations, transparency, nothing's missing!

There is juste one little issue, the browser is not always refreshed in video in some cases. For examples :
  • Stop and start streaming when nothing changed in the web page, the browser only shows up after something visible changed on it.
  • When some elements that were not fully loaded such as webfonts do not show up once they're loaded.
The workaround is to force the browser to be updated periodically, for example by adding an almost invisible transparent blinking pixel.

I'm experiencing issues with HTML5 videos and audio, they don't seem to be playing at all, none of the following works in OBS (but works in Firefox and Chrome) :

<audio src="file.mp3" />

var snd = new Sound('file.mp3');;

However, it works with a Flash MP3 player. These days, using a Flash Player to play a single sound file is like using a trebuchet to kill a fly...

Keep up the good job ;)
Last edited:


^ I concur. It would be awesome to get Chrome 35's text rendering (DirectWrite) engine:
I'm more concerned with a chrome bug in which local HTML5 video doesn't loop properly. I'm experimenting a bit with videos with alpha transparency for an animated stream overlay but whenever I try setting the video to loop, it simply won't. Then again, this could be a problem with the 64 bit version, but I doubt that.


New Member
I started using this plugin to show a follower alert I made via NightDev. It works well, but I appear to have a problem when it comes to the alert's background.

The alert itself is a .png image, meaning the transparent background is filled with a bright green, in order to support chroma keys. However, the CLR Browser plugin itself doesn't seem to have any sort of chroma key support, meaning that the green background stays there all the time.

I would appreciate help on making the green background transparent as well.
I started using this plugin to show a follower alert I made via NightDev. It works well, but I appear to have a problem when it comes to the alert's background.

The alert itself is a .png image, meaning the transparent background is filled with a bright green, in order to support chroma keys. However, the CLR Browser plugin itself doesn't seem to have any sort of chroma key support, meaning that the green background stays there all the time.

I would appreciate help on making the green background transparent as well.
But you don't need to use the Chroma-key for OBS and our NightDev Alert. The chorma-key choice is for xSplit. The alert we offer for OBS is a .png format with a transparent background. We also recommend using our Repack of CLR which has some minor fixes for our alerts.