CLR Browser Source Plugin [OBS Classic ONLY]


New Member
FIXED - See below

So, I have extracted the files to my Program Files/OBS/plugins, installed the VC_Redistributable and .NET Framework 4.5, replaced ffmpegsumo.dll but it still doesn't show up under 'Add sources'. I have tried both the 64bit and 32bit, but it still doesn't work.


If someone could take me through every single step to get it to work, that would be nice. I think I am missing something incredibly obvious.

If it means anything, 'CLR Host Plugin' appears in the list when I press the 'Plugins' button.
Last edited:


New Member
Does this Auto update the image? I can't seem to find a "auto" update feature. Im using this to keep track of third party banner stats :(


New Member

Is there a way to use the CLR Plugin to display Flash with an activated Webcam?
As far as I can see, the activation for the Webcam needs a userinteraction (user must click an adobe popup to accept camera-access). I know that it sounds redundant at first, as OBS supports Webcams nativly. But I want to play with the Bitmap-Data of the Webcam-Stream. Does anyone know what I could to make the CLR-Area Clickable?

btw: Is Faruton still supporting this Plugin? I have not read from him in quite some time :/



New Member
I was wondering was there anyway to add Chroma Key to this plugin? i'm trying to use GIF follower notifications and to get custom shapes i would have to use chroma key to do so and i would rather have to use this then have a second browser up as it makes it a lot easier for setting up my stream.
Two things...

ONE: For those of you interested in a way to control and/or send data to pages displayed with the CLR Browser Source: look into something like NodeJS + SocketIO. NodeJS allows you to create a web server (local or remote), and SocketIO lets you make use of web sockets to create a socket connection between the server and any number of clients.

The CLR Browser Source would be Client A, and then Client B could be a browser on your tablet or laptop. If written correctly, you could make adjustments on the laptop/tablet, which gets sent back to the server, and then relayed to the CLR source.

TWO: This is a more technical question: has anyone been noticing any sort of memory leak or large amount of memory usage with CLR Browser Source if you have a large number of them? Large number meaning anything about 3 - 5 per scene. Either it is some sort of memory leak, or there is simply no garbage collection being done. I watched the OBS process in my Windows Task Manager go from 500MB ram usage upon startup to using up my full 16GB of ram in just about a half hour (OBS was eating up about 20MB per second at times).

Tip for the above: do NOT leave any "console.log()" functions in your production CLR widgets, as they apparently are NOT cleared. These are great for testing your scripts, but get rid of them, comment them out, or put them in an "if (debug_mode)" structure during testing. I had a good number of these spitting out JavaScript Objects during testing, but in production those Objects printed out to the console were eating a TON of memory. Once I removed the majority of them, I was able to get OBS to only eat up an additional 1MB per second rather than 20MB.

I am going to be consolidating as many of my CLR widgets into single pages in the near future to see if that can lower down the memory usage, put in fail-safes that will make sure data is properly loaded and displayed, and cut down on the number of Global source CLR widgets (while they are nice, they eat up way too much memory).


Heyo !

I've been encountering an issue ever since I've been using plugins using the CLR Browse Source Plugin.

Each time I quit OBS, it "does not respond" and freezes. I need to terminate it manually each time.

Here is a crash log :

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\program files (x86)\obs\64bit\plugins\clrhostplugin\clrbrowsersourceplugin\libcef.dll' module.

Fault address: 000007FEDA29D070 (c:\program files (x86)\obs\64bit\plugins\clrhostplugin\clrbrowsersourceplugin\libcef.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.625b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7600) 
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack            EIP              Arg0             Arg1             Arg2             Arg3             Address
000000000813F750 000007FEDA29D070 00000000069E9000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7feda29d070
000000000813F780 000007FEDA2A2D2C 00000000069A77E0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000069AEC30 libcef.dll!0x7feda2a2d2c
000000000813F7B0 000007FED9EAE9F3 00000000069AEC30 00000000069AEC30 0000000000000000 00000000069AEC30 libcef.dll!0x7fed9eae9f3
000000000813F7E0 000007FEDA02E3EB 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000007FEDAAFBD7D libcef.dll!0x7feda02e3eb
000000000813F970 000007FED9FAB3B1 0000000000000000 00000000069AAC00 000000000699C580 0100000100000001 libcef.dll!0x7fed9fab3b1
000000000813FAB0 000007FED9E72263 00000000FFFFFFFF 00000000FFFFFFFF 0000000000000000 00000000069928E0 libcef.dll!0x7fed9e72263
000000000813FAE0 000007FEDAAE4641 0000000000000000 0000000000002264 0000000006980DA0 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7fedaae4641
000000000813FB10 000007FED9E04C77 000000000000056C 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7fed9e04c77
000000000813FB60 0000000077A859ED 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 kernel32.dll!0x77a859ed
000000000813FB90 0000000077BBC541 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll.dll!0x77bbc541

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-07-20_2.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address                      Module

I've attached the crashDump.

If ever you could fix this issue, it would be great !

Many thanks :)


  • OBSCrashDump2014-07-20_2.rar
    241.9 KB · Views: 38
Heyo !

I've been encountering an issue ever since I've been using plugins using the CLR Browse Source Plugin.

Each time I quit OBS, it "does not respond" and freezes. I need to terminate it manually each time.

Here is a crash log :

I've attached the crashDump.

If ever you could fix this issue, it would be great !

Many thanks :)

the dev hasn't been around since march. this project is abandoned. just dont upgrade to windows 8, other than the obvious reasons that it's a trash OS, using the 64bit plugin crashes your obs as soon as you hit start stream. i tested it out on 8 and 8.1 just about a week ago. using 32bit obs takes up 2x the cpu usage on my i7-3770k that's overclocked to 4.5ghz. streaming and gaming using obs 32bit isn't an option for pc gamers.
would be nice if someone were to take over this project so we can get a 64bit that works correctly.

Ark Angel HFB

New Member
So I'm getting a few graphical bugs with both versions... I don't know how to fix it but removing the plugin removes the bug.

I'm getting these bugs in both 32bit & 64bit version. I'm using the right plugin version with each also.

I don't mind getting into the code to fix this kinda thing if someone can point me to the right place?

OBS bug.png OBS bug 2.png

Jeffrey Veenhuis

New Member
Will we ever get the audio tag supported? I'm making a new donation tracker with TTS but the audio tag doesn't work and I'm too bad at AS3 to recreate it in flash :(


New Member
I have a problem with Javascript, problem of cash, I use it:
<div id="new-follower"></div>
    function getFollowers(){{
            url: "post.php",
        setInterval(getFollowers(), 5000);
In my browser everything work. But in CLR Brower it doesn't change the text of #new-follower. I work only when I change a setting of CLR Browser, can you help me ?


New Member
I downloaded, but did not have a program to unzip. I got winzip and then from there I was pretty lost. I did the 'unzip all' option, and then tried to open the CLRHostPlugin.dll, but my PC did not now how to open it and prompted me to find a program to open it with. Could someone please walk me through what I need to be doin? Thanks


New Member

I'm trying this plugin to do on-keypress video overlays. There are two limitations currently that might be interesting to resolve (or already are but are not obvious to use). Should i setup something specific?

- not possible to capture keypresses (or how to scroll etc?)
- not possible to set a delay (in video or sound)


New Member
Still having no luck getting CLR Browser going on 32bit version. I have updated distributable, and framework. Using the plugin install instructed in tutorials, i managed to get 64bit version working. Therefore I know it works in some capacity. However, the 32bit version is still a bust. I am placing correct plugins to each respective version. I'd use the 64bit and run with that, but it doesn't pick up elgato. Attached is something in regards to CLR Browser from log files. I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance.


  • 2014-07-31-1812-52.log
    658 bytes · Views: 32


New Member
Just a note to anyone trying to get transparent background flash files.
If you're using 64bit OBS and getting crashes setting single process mode to true, you'll need to swap to 32bit OBS.


New Member
Were can I find the updated Source Code? The link on the Overview page is pointing towards the old Git Repo. So where can I find the new Version Source that is replacing the old BrowserSourcePlugin?