CLR Browser Source Plugin [OBS Classic ONLY]


New Member
Hey i have an issue with the plugin ,

i developped a script to work with Streamcontrol , so an xml files , it works correctly on firefox but it doesnt with the plugin , the problem come from LoadData() i think , without it the animation work

Here is my code

function loadXMLDoc(filename)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
else // code for IE5 and IE6
  xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xhttp.responseXML;

function loadData(){

map = map_node.nodeValue;

mod = mod_node.nodeValue;

$('#map_img').attr('src' , 'img/' + map + '.png');
$('#mod_img').attr('src' , 'img/' + mod + '.png');




    }).velocity('reverse', { delay:8000});

    }).velocity('reverse', { delay:8000});

    }).velocity('reverse', { delay:8000});



New Member
I am trying to set up twitchalerts with CLR browser but keep getting this error message in my OBS window. It reads "TwitchAlerts was unable to load because your browser does not support HTML5 audio and also does not have Adobe Flash installed or enabled. The CLR Browser Plugin requires that Adobe Flash is installed and enabled because it does not support HTML5 audio. Once Flash is installed, please reload this widget." I have installed the latest version of flash but keep getting this error message. What should I do?

Can you give a bit more feedback about your OS, your Browser, your Browser Version and the installed Flash-Version?


New Member
Hey i have an issue with the plugin ,

i developped a script to work with Streamcontrol , so an xml files , it works correctly on firefox but it doesnt with the plugin , the problem come from LoadData() i think , without it the animation work


You should try to analyze the problem within the plugin, as anything else would be finding a needle in a haystack. As the Plugin doesnt support any kind of developer concolse, I advise you to make up some kind of Textfield and trace/echo out various steps of your code, to make sure where it crashed. Is it really the LoadData() part or are you assuming it? Your code is not that long, it should be possible to find the culprit shortly and then fix it (or come back and report where it went bogus and then I can maybe help you).

It might be that there is a bug that you encountered, but it can also be just a problem with a sandbox-violation while loading. But you will not find out until your traced your code to see where it exactly broke down.


New Member
I try to debug with this

var debug_div = document.getElementById('debug');
debug_div.textContent =
"xmlDoc : " + xmlDoc + "\n map : " + map + "\n mod : " + mod + "\n" ;

It works on firefox but I have nothing on OBS


New Member
It works on firefox but I have nothing on OBS

Have you tried it with a JS Framework? Maybe there is a incompability that can be avoided using a full blown Framework (like jQuery or something). that takes care of some pesky little inconsistencies.

$("DIV").append("My Log Message");
$("#DIVID").append("My Log Message");


New Member
I have used Jquery and VelocityJs for the animations , when i only use the animation its work perfectly , when i add the loaddata fonction nothing is shown , included the fixed layout ( that doesnt change with the js ) , so no animation is played ,
so i think something in the loaddata make the script crash and block the animation , that's why I assumed it was coming from loadata();


New Member
I have used Jquery and VelocityJs for the animations , when i only use the animation its work perfectly , when i add the loaddata fonction nothing is shown , included the fixed layout ( that doesnt change with the js ) , so no animation is played ,
so i think something in the loaddata make the script crash and block the animation , that's why I assumed it was coming from loadata();

Mh. Can you post a link to a HTML on a server so I can paste the url into my OBS and have a look? MAybe it is something obvious when I see it myself. Alternative you could post a very stripped but fully working HTML+JS onepage code, that I could copy paste without setting up anything. I can then diagnose along with you and give you a better feedback (You already posted code, but its only a very very restricted glimpse).

Alos, can you get me a better grip on what you are trying to achieve? You mentioned you were using StreamControl. I just downloaded it and looked into it but as I understand it, it run with xSplit? I see xSplit is like OBS a Live Streaming Recorder. And you use StreamControl with the OBS CLR Plugin? How does this work? My instance of StreamControl demands a xSplit Path Can you give me a short rundown what Application is doing what and is injecting Code (HTML, JS, SWF) into the Stream. I a bit puzzled at how StreamControl works apparently. Are you sure that that you are going the correct path? I see you wrote JS code and that somehow has to sit inside a HTML Document. When does the XML you are talking about comes into the play and what has StreamControl to do with it? Am I missing something?

Please answer as much questions from this post as possible so I can help you further. My guess is still that I might can help you, but currently I'm a bit lost on where I could recreate the problem.



New Member
Hi, this plugin so good
How to set source quality and fullsrceen when browser a stream at twitch tv ?
Sorry my english not good


New Member
I'm using this plugin and just found a weird behavior. I'm using a local html file with some js animation to display stuff. Everything was working fine, till OBS kept crashing/ not responding on closing after using Stream-Preview to check my html file.

After checking all items added to my scenes i narrowed it down to my html file with js embedded into it. Looks like a missing image (img was renamed) caused OBS to crash on exit.

I'm not sure if that is the fault of the plugin or OBS since i didn't get a crash report. Just thought i share this here for further reference.

Anyway its a great plugin :D


New Member
Hi, this plugin so good
How to set source quality and fullsrceen when browser a stream at twitch tv ?

As far as I know, this is currently not possible, as there is not Click-ability throughout the Plugin. I hope that the CLR Plugin will improve in this field aswell, but to this day, it will not be possible.


New Member
Can you give me an email where i can send you the sources please ?

StreamControl only generates a xml file , it does not touch to xsplit or obs , and i'd like to use a html file to get the informations of this xml file , the goal is to make a map presentation on call of duty


New Member
Can you give me an email where i can send you the sources please ?
sure, send it to: [expired]

This is a temporary inbox that is valid for 24H. After that this email will not work anymore. Make sure you post your fully XML code inside the Email and do not attach it.

Or even better: Make a zip with the HTML, JS and XML so I can deploy it into my dev enviroment and can get straight to the same error as you are.

Or send me a Private Message.

Last edited:


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\program files (x86)\obs\64bit\plugins\clrhostplugin\clrbrowsersourceplugin\libcef.dll' module.

Fault address: 000007FEDFF2D070 (c:\program files (x86)\obs\64bit\plugins\clrhostplugin\clrbrowsersourceplugin\libcef.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.592b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
000000001E98F4F0 000007FEDFF2D070 000000001DCD8000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7fedff2d070
000000001E98F520 000007FEDFF32D2C 000000001DC937E0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000001DC9BC30 libcef.dll!0x7fedff32d2c
000000001E98F550 000007FEDFB3E9F3 000000001DC9BC30 000000001DC9BC30 0000000000000000 000000001DC9BC30 libcef.dll!0x7fedfb3e9f3
000000001E98F580 000007FEDFCBE3EB 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000007FEE078BD7D libcef.dll!0x7fedfcbe3eb
000000001E98F710 000007FEDFC3B3B1 0000000000000000 000000001DC99C00 000000001DC7F580 0100000100000001 libcef.dll!0x7fedfc3b3b1
000000001E98F850 000007FEDFB02263 00000000FFFFFFFF 00000000FFFFFFFF 0000000000000000 000000001DC809C0 libcef.dll!0x7fedfb02263
000000001E98F880 000007FEE0774641 0000000000000000 0000000000012AF4 000000001DC70DA0 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7fee0774641
000000001E98F8B0 000007FEDFA94C77 0000000000000428 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 libcef.dll!0x7fedfa94c77
000000001E98F900 000000007744652D 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 kernel32.dll!0x7744652d
000000001E98F930 000000007757C541 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll.dll!0x7757c541

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Wes\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-01-03_2.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module

crash happens when exiting obs..I'm just posting this rq dunno if its useful for you. nice plugin btw.

To avoid crash when exiting obs, go to conf/browser/runtime/singleprocess and use false configuration, if you use true it will crash. I had the same problem. Hopefully it will work for you.


New Member
Until preview option is ready, I am using the new beta OBS 0.63b test3, -multi -portable so it is possible to make changes on the preview window, and then switch to the Air window.
Captura de pantalla 2014-08-26 a las 18.56.39.png


New Member
Hey Faruton,

I was one of the producers for the Teamfortress.TV i52 Team Fortress 2 coverage utilizing OBS and Browser Source for live on-screen graphics via a web-based system utilizing JavaScript. I am heading up the production of the coverage at the GXL LAN in October for the Team Fortress 2 tournament where we're trying to utilize webm video with alpha channels in our graphics. As it stands the current version of BSP does not support this and is still waiting for an update.

Just wanted to say I appreciate all the work you've put into this plugin and I'm really hoping for a new release of BSP by then to enable us to put out even prettier graphics via the browser source plugin.

Thanks again for all you've done, you've helped our productions reach a new level of professionalism and quality.



New Member
Hey I've run into an issue with the plugin that I'd love to see if anyone can help with.

For some background information, I am using a Macbook Pro Retina 15" with Windows 8.1 Bootcamp. I am using the latest stable version of OBS. I've been successfully able to use this plugin, but I have a small display problem.

Without this plugin installed, OBS scales perfectly to my display, which is retina (2880x1800). However, when I move the plugin files into the plugin folder for OBS, then run OBS again, the program opens, then resizes extremely small that I can't read anything or use the menus. I have confirmed that removing the plugin files (essentially uninstalling the plugin) will result in the behavior rectifying itself and OBS opens and scales perfectly again.

I'm not sure how to go about providing a log file, but if you need that from me (before and after installing the plugin) I'd be glad to provide that. If you need a video of the behavior I could provide that as well. Hopefully we can rectify this small issue so people with high-resolution/high-dpi displays can enjoy this excellent plugin!

Thank you for any and all of your help.


New Member
I actually have a new build coming soon.

Only issue that needs to be resolved is how to inject the custom css since this feature was removed from CEF.

Oh man, it'd be tragic to lose injected CSS. I guess we could inject CSS with Javascript, but the existing method is certainly preferable. Best of luck working around that.

Thank you for the work on this plugin, by the way. Definitely a game changer for us.


New Member
Hello everyone.
I'm trying to setup donation alerts, but I can't make sounds working.
I've tried x64 and x86 OBS and plugin.
I've replaced ffmpegsumo from chrome to plugin.
I've tried .mp3, .ogg and even .wav files

Everything is working on Chrome, nothing in CLR. What am I doing wrong?