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Active Member
I'm back! This time with a new issue :)

I can't record any more using the 'High Quality' preset. Debug log attached. I press the recording button but nothing seems to happen except a short entry in the logs:

14:29:16.343: [VCEEncoderTrace] Info: SetProperty TargetBitrate:0
14:29:16.343: [VCEEncoderTrace] Warning: SetProperty TargetBitrate failed in AMFPropertyStorageExImpl with return code:0x5


I need a macro for that reply.
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Active Member
Yes Sir Blurred and out of focus same as Stream.

I tried several other settings last night, including different B-Frame and bit rate all with same results.

Your log shows that the current settings are too taxing for your GPU. You might want to try 1920x1080x60 at Speed preset or a lower resolution. Alternatively you can also attempt to give OBS a higher process priority.


New Member
He does indeed have patience of saint.
In our for what it's worth Department, I can record in High Quality preset, and recordings are perfect. Of course I can't Stream at that because of bandwidth.


Anybody else with an RX 480 card here? It seems to be running on GCN 1.4, which apparently can cap 4K even at 60fps.
I won't be recording in 4K actually, so how's the 1080p capturing? Is 120fps possible (for local recordings ofc) or nah?

Also huge thanks Xaymar for maintaining the encoder for us AMD users! Seeing a huge amount of updates, this is the kind of spam I want to get on my mail!


Active Member
The RX 480 AMD sent to me arrived today, so I can finally test with the latest generation of cards. According to the PR guy on Reddit, RX 480s can do up to 120 fps at 1920x1080 H.264. Keyword is up to here, massively depends on GPU usage and stuff.


Keyword is up to here, massively depends on GPU usage and stuff.
Then I'd imagine Source games (which are fairly light on GPU, at least some titles) would allow me to reach 120 fps.
I ordered mine today actually (that timing tho), so once it arrives, I maybe could help with testing :)


New Member
@Xaymar after these recent plugin/software updates obs seems to be able to keep constant fps and provide smooth footage for me :) but i still have that one issue where just turning on obs would give me 4-6 fps drop not even recording just opening obs will give 4-6 fps drop :/ i know you said that i have to upgrade my gpu and its obs issue you cannot do anything about it but do you know what is actually causing this ? because obs classic doesn't have this issue also i want to know if i am the only one having this problem, you can find my pc spec in my signature.

here is a log file in case you need it
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Active Member
@Xaymar after these recent plugin/software updates obs seems to be able to keep constant fps and provide smooth footage for me :) but i still have that one issue where just turning on obs would give me 4-6 fps drop not even recording just opening obs will give 4-6 fps drop :/ i know you said that i have to upgrade my gpu and its obs issue you cannot do anything about it but do you know what is actually causing this ? because obs classic doesn't have this issue also i want to know if i am the only one having this problem, you can find my pc spec in my signature.

here is a log file in case you need it

I can't help with issues that aren't related to AMD encoding. If you need help building a better PC, maybe ask in Windows Support or something similar.

(PS: Get a better Motherboard (not ASRock, worst quality you could get) and fix your RAM to be 4+4+4+4 or 8+8+8+8 for full dual channel usage. FX's aren't really that fast compared to Intels lineup either, so you might want to take a look at the current Mid-High End lineup Intel has)


Active Member
I've added accurate framerate limits for R9 285, R9 380, R9 Fury (VCE3) and RX 4xx (VCE 3.4) users to the wiki now.

If you want to test results on your system, i have uploaded the tool to do so here:
Extract and run VCEEncoderD3DPerformanceTest.bat and wait for it to finish. It will print fps information to the console window.


Thanks Xaymar! I just installed my RX 480 and wanted to run the test, but it keeps telling me about missing MSVCR120D and MSVCP120D libraries. I have Visuall C++ Redist 2013 installed.


New Member
Well, I have added VCE2 data to the wiki now, though I'm waiting for more people to try it.
works fine for me. will use this feature as local recorder for 1080p/60fps while my cpu is broadcasting.

my specs:
i7 5820K @ 4,250MHz
r9 390x (8g)

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New Member
@Xaymar i haven't asked you to help me build a pc i know that you have told me before to get a better ram and gpu i was just asking why obs classic doesn't have that issue but studio does ?

here are my results for the encoder performance test


New Member
Here is my results for RX480

3840x2160 - speed: 36.2 fps, balanced: 26.7 fps, quality: 18.4 fps
2560x1440 - speed: 80.3 fps, balanced: 59.4 fps, quality: 33.5 fps
1920x1080 - speed: 138.8 fps, balanced: 103.0 fps, quality: 58.6 fps
1280×720 - speed: 296.7 fps, balanced: 223.1 fps, quality: 129.7 fps


Active Member
@Xaymar i haven't asked you to help me build a pc i know that you have told me before to get a better ram and gpu i was just asking why obs classic doesn't have that issue but studio does ?

here are my results for the encoder performance test

You will have to ask someone else about that, maybe ask in WIndows Support. I can only tell you that your system isn't equipped to handle multiple high performance applications.

Here is my results for RX480

3840x2160 - speed: 36.2 fps, balanced: 26.7 fps, quality: 18.4 fps
2560x1440 - speed: 80.3 fps, balanced: 59.4 fps, quality: 33.5 fps
1920x1080 - speed: 138.8 fps, balanced: 103.0 fps, quality: 58.6 fps
1280×720 - speed: 296.7 fps, balanced: 223.1 fps, quality: 129.7 fps

Thanks, much appreciated!


Active Member
I've updated the wiki again and now include a ton more resolutions than before.

If you want to test this yourself (and perhaps even submit your test to me), I've uploaded a newer version of the tool here: .

Steps to use:
  1. Extract into a folder (not the desktop, it will create lots of files)
  2. Run MassPerformanceTest.bat
  3. Wait until it's done
  4. Open one of the ###x###.txt files, it will show your results for that resolution.
If you want your GPU to be listed in the wiki, PM me a zip/7z/rar file of the .txt files it created.
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