New Member
Few Things I found which others might and think its not working.
If your in studio mode nothing will happen, if you have multiple window names which may change when different projects etc are loads then use the (.*)()(.*) which works perfect.
If you want to Pause scene switch just click studio mode.
Like it says up top, you can set a Fullscreen window so I guess if you put a game in fs it will default to that and you can set a backup scene if something goes wrong or a window name changes and scene switcher doesn't show it.
Example of my settings.
Blank,Default Scene
Disable Start Message,Yes
I used the wild card (.*)()(.*) because my project window will be project - untitled or another name depending on what is loaded. So the wild card allows for anything else in the name.
Same for MixConsole, the name can be multiple variations after the MixConsole part.
CubaseChat and CubaseMixerChat are my scene names. I removed the spaces between the names to avoid any naming issues.
The scenes switch using the default transition, although it would be cool if we could set to any transition we have created.
I'm about to add another scene to my list which will be ChannelSettings, which when I open a channels settings (e.g. the EQ) then it will fullscreen it. Again this would be cool if there was a flag that could be set to enable/turn on an item in the sources. This way I could have an item overlay or however i have it setup when I click on it's window. But for now I'll duplicate the scene and have it overlaid in the duplicate scene.
It would be handy though as if I'm in the mixer and open the channel settings window then I don't want it change to the project window every time.
To find the window name click + on sources to add a Window Capture, click ok on thenext window, then on the Properties for 'Window Capture' select the drop down list next to where it says Window.
This is the names of windows, you want part if using (.*) or all of the name past the ':'
So you see in the image [notepad.exe]: settings.txt - Notepad
For this window only you'd do,
settings.txt - Notepad,scenename
for MixConsole - Untitled1 I selected the wildcard option (.*)(MixConsole)(.*) but this option is best used where one window is in use, so I can only have 1 mix console open at a time, same for channel settings.
Else if you had say multiple notepads and you set say (.*)(notepad)(.*),settings.txt - Notepad then clicking on different notepads will always show just the notepad window named "settings.txt - Notepad".
So if you need to use multiple windows the wildcard option wouldn't be best and using full names.
Remember you don't need the [chrome.exe]: part, just the name after that.
Lastly, if you have more than one window open with the same name, as I do here with the notepad, then scene switcher will select the first in the list.
BTW great adaption and great plugin.
If your in studio mode nothing will happen, if you have multiple window names which may change when different projects etc are loads then use the (.*)()(.*) which works perfect.
If you want to Pause scene switch just click studio mode.
Like it says up top, you can set a Fullscreen window so I guess if you put a game in fs it will default to that and you can set a backup scene if something goes wrong or a window name changes and scene switcher doesn't show it.
Example of my settings.
Blank,Default Scene
Disable Start Message,Yes
I used the wild card (.*)()(.*) because my project window will be project - untitled or another name depending on what is loaded. So the wild card allows for anything else in the name.
Same for MixConsole, the name can be multiple variations after the MixConsole part.
CubaseChat and CubaseMixerChat are my scene names. I removed the spaces between the names to avoid any naming issues.
The scenes switch using the default transition, although it would be cool if we could set to any transition we have created.
I'm about to add another scene to my list which will be ChannelSettings, which when I open a channels settings (e.g. the EQ) then it will fullscreen it. Again this would be cool if there was a flag that could be set to enable/turn on an item in the sources. This way I could have an item overlay or however i have it setup when I click on it's window. But for now I'll duplicate the scene and have it overlaid in the duplicate scene.
It would be handy though as if I'm in the mixer and open the channel settings window then I don't want it change to the project window every time.
To find the window name click + on sources to add a Window Capture, click ok on thenext window, then on the Properties for 'Window Capture' select the drop down list next to where it says Window.
This is the names of windows, you want part if using (.*) or all of the name past the ':'
So you see in the image [notepad.exe]: settings.txt - Notepad
For this window only you'd do,
settings.txt - Notepad,scenename
for MixConsole - Untitled1 I selected the wildcard option (.*)(MixConsole)(.*) but this option is best used where one window is in use, so I can only have 1 mix console open at a time, same for channel settings.
Else if you had say multiple notepads and you set say (.*)(notepad)(.*),settings.txt - Notepad then clicking on different notepads will always show just the notepad window named "settings.txt - Notepad".
So if you need to use multiple windows the wildcard option wouldn't be best and using full names.
Remember you don't need the [chrome.exe]: part, just the name after that.

Lastly, if you have more than one window open with the same name, as I do here with the notepad, then scene switcher will select the first in the list.
BTW great adaption and great plugin.
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