You can do exactly what you described. If you have trouble with something specific, it'd be great if you specified what. Variable actions/conditions help with var changes like setting, incrementing or checking if bigger, File condition + macro properties to get changes and lastly either Timer condition with every 3s comparison or changing macro settings to wait at least 3 seconds between runs.Hello guys,
Im trying to make a win lose variable that gets saved into a .txt file, is this possible? I am kind of lost with how variables work and need some help.
The thing I want to do exactly is that I have a score.txt which flaxuates from 0 to 1000. What I want is an initial variable to get that number from the score.txt file and save it (for example lets say its 150) and then compare it again (every 3s for instance) with the same score.txt file which lets say gets update to 175 later variable . If later variable<initial variable then add +1 to a win.txt file and update initial variable value to 175 else +1 to a lose.txt file and update initial variable value to (score.txt lower value). Does anyone have any idea how to achive that? Thank you in advance btw!