Hi everybody, first time here.
I have a simple task I want triggered by a stream deck and I’m having trouble figuring out how. Here’s what I’m after:
I have 3 cameras (let’s call them C1, C2 & C3) and, with the press of a button, would like to trigger them to cycle in a certain order with a set interval. I'd then like this sequence cancelled when I manually select a scene.
Button 1 - C1-C2-C3 repeat
Button 2 - C1-C3 repeat
Button 3 - C1-C2 repeat
Button 4 - C2-C3 repeat
I have the scene group tabs set in ACS and was hoping to just have a hotkey to just play a group until I manually switch scene again.
I’ve really spent too much time trying to work this out so thought I’d see if there’s a solution anybody knows of?
I even faffed about with getting streamer.bot on my Mac…
Thanks in advance
There are probably more ways to do this, but I can see two at the moment:
Set up each of the 4 sequences separately and independently, with each macro creating the condition that the next one looks for. So far, they'll fight each other, but you'll add a condition later that makes them play nice:
- Sequence 1.1
- Sequence 1.2
- Sequence 1.3
- Sequence 2.1
- Sequence 2.2
And likewise for all the other sequences you want, completely separate from each other, and ignoring for the moment that the others exist. Then to keep them from fighting each other, add a variable condition to each one (I've called it Selection here, but you can call it anything):
- Sequence 1.1
- Conditions:
- Selection equals 1
C1 active for A1 seconds
- Actions:
Do that for all of them, with the appropriate value for Selection, and then each sequence only works when Selection equals that value.
Now, add one more set of macros to set the Selection:
That's a lot of macros, but they're all short and simple, so it shouldn't be too bad to think through and see what it's all doing.
This way allows you to have complete customizability, with separate times and orders for each one. You may also have to "kick start" the sequence by explicitly switching to something that's included in it. Otherwise it'll just sit there and not do anything.
Have a macro for each scene that has no conditions and only switches to that scene:
And then a macro for each sequence that has a Sequence action in it. In each of those Sequence actions, add the appropriate switching macros to do what you want, and maybe a Timer condition to have it fire periodically:
And then to keep *those* from running over each other, you can add the variable as before, and its controlling macros:
Every A seconds:
- Sequence 1
- Conditions:
- Selection equals 1
Every A seconds
- Actions:
Personally, I like the first one better, but both should work.