Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1


New Member
My first thought is to use a variable to keep track of that count. Three macros:
  1. Time for next video (however you detect that):
    • No actions, just this one condition
  2. Macro #1 Condition AND Count != 0:
    • Play next video, AND
    • Decrement Count
  3. Macro #1 Condition AND Count == 0:
    • Play trailer, AND
    • Set Count = 3
You could put the "Time for next video" condition in the other two, and save a macro, but this allows you to change it once (if/when it does need changed), and have both of the working macros follow that change.

Also note, that this relies on Adv. SS effectively auto-DJ'ing single videos. Not a playlist that runs itself. It may still be possible to interject something in the middle of a self-running playlist, but it gets to be a mess in a hurry if you have multiple sources of automation like that. They often end up fighting each other, or getting confused because one did something that the other didn't expect, etc.

I see Adv. SS as a programming language, and I'm pretty well convinced that it's Turing Complete, which means that it can do anything that any computing machine can do, including simulating any other machine perfectly (ignoring time and memory requirements). So if you're asking if something is *possible*, then the answer is always yes, given the proper access to things. It's just a matter of how...
adv. scene switcher can djing single videos?

My solution is atm, a VLC Playlist. The Playlist is created, every time you save the config. I tested a little bit, and I use the End status with a counter. after every video is finished, ended can trigger something. so the playlist is just paused, when the scene is switched to "commercial/trailer" or so.


New Member
any thoughts on how to trigger the refresh browser source cache button automatically on a specific browser source prior to running through the rest of the list?


New Member
[EN] Hello, I wanted some help creating a macro. one that activates and deactivates the one source based on whether the first Friday of the current month.
[ES] Buenas, quería algo de ayuda para crear una macro. una que active y desactive la una fuente en base a si el primer viernes del mes actual.

something like that / algo así:

If today.dayOfWeek = friday and today.dayOfMonth <=7
then image01.visibility = true
else image01.visibility = false

With the part about if it's Friday there is no problem, the advanced switcher gives it to me for free, but I don't know how to do the other check /
con la parte de si es viernes no hay problema, el advanced switcher me lo da gratis, pero con se como hacer la otra comprobación

sorry for the syntax, I really don't know much about programming/
perdón por la sintaxis, realmente no sé mucho de programación.


Active Member
adv. scene switcher can djing single videos?
Each video by itself in a scene, as the only source in that scene. Then switch scenes as desired to show the videos:
  • If Any Media on Current Scene is Playing and Time Remaining shorter than X
    • Switch to Random Scene with Transition length X
That gives a nice transition from one to the next while both are playing.

Or a series of:
  • If Any Media on Scene A is Playing and Time Remaining shorter than AB
    • Switch to Scene B with Transition length AB

My solution is atm, a VLC Playlist. The Playlist is created, every time you save the config. I tested a little bit, and I use the End status with a counter. after every video is finished, ended can trigger something. so the playlist is just paused, when the scene is switched to "commercial/trailer" or so.
Glad you got something to work.


Active Member
If today.dayOfWeek = friday and today.dayOfMonth <=7

With the part about if it's Friday there is no problem, the advanced switcher gives it to me for free, but I don't know how to do the other check /
con la parte de si es viernes no hay problema, el advanced switcher me lo da gratis, pero con se como hacer la otra comprobación
Try this:

As you say, the Friday part is easy. The trick is restricting it to just the first week.

The Pattern match is a "regular expression". (google that)
  • . matches anything.
  • 0 must match a literal 0. (most characters are like that)
  • [1-7] must match a single character that is somewhere between 1 and 7 inclusively.
The only thing that can match all of that, is the first week of the month.