Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1


New Member
This plugin does NOT work! I followed the install instructions, i have the latest obs software and the latest windows update, all the files copied over to the proper places but the advanced scene switcher does not show up in my tools menu. This is beyond frustrating because there should just be a video slide show option just like the image one. WTF!?


New Member
This plugin does NOT work! I followed the install instructions, i have the latest obs software and the latest windows update, all the files copied over to the proper places but the advanced scene switcher does not show up in my tools menu. This is beyond frustrating because there should just be a video slide show option just like the image one. WTF!?

Update: The installation instructions were apparently wrong because the sceneswitcher.dll file never made it to the 64bit plugins file. I copied it in and it now seems to be working. Glad i wasted 2 hours on this. Seriously, just put a video slideshow in.


New Member
I'm getting a weird bug when using the "Scene Round Trip" Panel. Every Time you set a very high time limit, it freezes and crashes such as setting it to 1800s and then try to close out from OBS Studio, while the Advance Scene Switcher is on. Also there is bug when the scene doesn't switch at all to when setting the timer too high 1200+s on one of the two scenes.

Another bug when trying to de-activate Advance Scene Switcher when the two bugs have happened OBS Studio Freezes and Crashes too. (It's on the Advance Switcher Side not the Automatic Switcher Side, when try to de-activate it. But switching the scene doesn't work though.)

Another bug when you manually try to switch scenes, the advance switch scene switcher doesn't pick up from that and doesn't switch scenes anymore. Maybe due to setting the timer really high on one of the two scenes.

???? Also there another bug when setting up between two scenes, the cut and fade doesn't switch between each other on the 'first' list but you can switch off 'fade and cut' to the second scene and the rest from the list. Hmmm it did happen, now it doesn't seem to happen anymore not sure why. Maybe when you activate scene switcher or turn off. ???
Oh and I set one scene for 720s and the second scene for 39s.
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Hi, Im aware a vast majority of guys are using obs for gaming, but there are others like me that use OBS as main software to record our music videos and/or broadcast live.

For those music teachers, I have a plugin or function request that maybe you could contemplate?

I do drum videos and live lessons with multicameras and written music with obs (ie. drum patterns and rhythms) so the student can watch me play from different angles and see the drum tab of what Im playing. I do this by having 2 screen monitors, using one for my music editor software whit drum tab exercises, which then it is captured with obs as a scene superimposed with my video cameras. The other monitor is for OBS live view.

In music teaching, many lessons include 4-5 or more individual exercises that must be read in a row.
When doing a lesson, it is frustrating to have to stop playing and scroll the drum tab to another makes the lesson longer, killing the lesson fluidity... so the idea is having a plugins or function added to OBS so a scene roundtrip could be set not in seconds, but in BEATS (metronome clicks)

So we need a plugin metronome inside OBS. Here is what for:
To music teachers like me it would be great having like a round trip function that switches selected scenes in a programmed order but with a function that allow us to switch to scenes in metronome clicks. S

So I set a tempo of the metronome and make a roundtrip so the scene changes after four 4/4 bars (16 beats). I press a PLAY button so the metronome and the roundtrip starts and thats all. Music teachers will be able to play and show different music tabs switching between them without the need of stopping. This will improve our music videos in great manner.

I hope I can make my mind clear explaining it. If you are a teacher and think could be interesting having this plugins roundtrip/metronome feature (or if you are a music student and would love seeing more fluid and less extensive music tutorials or live lessons), have ideas or improvements to this feature, please comment here.
Is there a chance you could think doing something about this?

You can contact me via pm to get more detailed explanation of what would be needed.

Really thanks


New Member
Hello, I created forum account to write this post. First of all its excellent tool thank you for creating this I was looking for it.
But I have a problem I am intended to record creativity videos with programs such 3ds Max and Photoshop and on these programs title are not static mostly for example;

In photoshop when you first open the program title is : "Adobe Photoshop CS6"

When you create new document to work on the title becomes: "Untitled-1 @ 33.3% (RGB/8)" ->
OBS does not recognizing after shifting windows because of the title

When you save the file even without a name it becomes: "Untitled-1.psd @ 33.3% (RGB/8)" ->
OBS does not recognizing after shifting windows because of the title

If I name the document it won't recognize the window again.

I can change scene switcher names everytime when I start recording but It would't be an automatic switch this way.
So, Can you switch title recognization to process name recognization like window capture did. because photoshop.exe or any other program's process name never changes.

Another feedback is "only if window is fullscreen" mode could be improoved to include windowed full screen mode

If you consider I would be glad Thank you and sorry for my bad English.
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I'm getting a weird bug when using the "Scene Round Trip" Panel. Every Time you set a very high time limit, it freezes and crashes such as setting it to 1800s and then try to close out from OBS Studio, while the Advance Scene Switcher is on.

In your Case, OBS will freeze for 1800s. Ive got the same Issue.

If you want to Stop the Plugin: Try to delete the Switches in the SceneRoundTrip Tab first, close the Settings and close OBS. Re-open OBS, make sure the Switches are gone, Stop the Plugin from the Settings. This works most of the Time for me.


New Member
Hello, is it possible to "say" a scene, to switch to the next scene only if the current scene is ending?

At the Moment i use the scene Switch over the "Read from File" function. It read Tags from my Audio Playout...

The Problem, in a Commercial Break sometimes it is not sync. So a Video -Spot is sometimes cut of some Seconds bevor the End of the Video Spot, because the Audio Playout is writing the next scene sometimes earlier...

If it wold give a Chance to "say" the scene Switcher "Play the scene till the End and read the next scene after finish the OnAir Playing scene" it wold be perfect, to work together with a Radio Playout for VisualRadio.

I try to do it with the Pause Function but it don´t work for me.

You can watch the Station on:
It is a test Playout in SD Video.

Best regards


New Member
What if I wanted to auto transition to a game from a 'stream starting soon' scene once advanced auto switcher detects the game window?
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New Member
I have the following idea for a new feature. It would be really useful if I could set an automatic scene change when the playlist in my VLC playlist completes.


New Member
Is there a way to make the manual hotkey use the automatic scene switchers Transition settings? For example making Scene 1 to Scene 2 using a specific transition but be triggered by a hotkey


New Member
I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but apparently having an Executable added on the list of the Executable plugin by dasOven disables the list/options in the General tab.
I was hoping to mix the two: Game/Software on the executable and a Browser window in the General tab, but the General tab doesn't run when doing the above.

Is the above a bug?

Suggestion: A better way to detect a specific Chrome Browser tab (window) that changes its title over time. This may be an OBS issue though.


New Member
This addon is awesome! Does what is says. Here is something I would like to see added:

A pause button/hotkey so I don't have to stop the process entirely. Because if I do my frames freeze up for a 15 seconds or so. I mostly use the Scene Round Trip option because that fits my needs.

Hank Moon

New Member
OBS noob here. So after setting up the Scene Round Trip, how do I apply it to the scenes? Or should it automatically apply? And if that is the case what might I be doing wrong that it wont automatically apply?

Geek Out SA

New Member
The Advanced Scene Switcher is faily good but it it not working exactly how I want it to.

I set a scene switch to 20000ms it is does not always wait till that 20 seconds to switch. Sometimes it switches automatically. Sometime 3-10 ot 19 seconds. It is close sometimes but it is not consistent.

also does the scene switch go beyond 20000ms because that seems to be the limit.


New Member
Hi there,

Can I ignore windows by mask?

E.G. every browser's tab have unique name and I can't to add them all to "ignore windows" tab in obs. but it would be great if i can type something like "* - Mozilla Firefox" and all windows with Mozilla Firefox in the title will be ignored.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hi there,

Can I ignore windows by mask?

E.G. every browser's tab have unique name and I can't to add them all to "ignore windows" tab in obs. but it would be great if i can type something like "* - Mozilla Firefox" and all windows with Mozilla Firefox in the title will be ignored.

From a brief look at the code, it looks like the "ignore window" titles are compared directly with no pattern matching (glob, wildcard, regex, etc.). For now, it seems you'll have to add those manually.