
  1. E

    OBS Crashes: Repeated and Random

    Over the past few weeks my OBS has been crashing, seemingly at random. I updated my OBS to 30.1.1 this week and updated as many plugins as I could but the issue recurred today. The crashes do not have identical behavior. Sometimes, my GUI crashes but my stream continues to run. Sometimes...
  2. Iseox

    Transition bug

    All my transitions between OBS scenes work, except when I go from one specific scene to another. I only have one that does that... I've tried several ways of resolving this, but none of them work. Can anyone help me? I have a tiny freeze that makes the source I'm going to appear, just before...
  3. B

    Scene switching and audio

    How do I get a scene to mute when switching from say game switch 1 to end screen scene 2 that way the only audio on 2 is audio from 2 while audio from 1 is muted and not bleeding over into 2
  4. U

    Weird frozen frame in transition

    Hello, so what happens is that when I switch between cameras, one frame of the next camera I switch to, belongs to one from the last time I switched to that camera. Something like this, don't know how to explain it well so here's a video: As you can...
  5. F

    Force source transation

    Hi, I'm searching for force a transition of one source between scene, can i do this in my obs ? or do i need a script ? I have already the plugin move transition but i dont found on this plug in. Thanks for your help <3 Bye.
  6. G

    Smooth zoom blur - Transicion (Ayuda)

    Quería pedirles ayuda, estoy buscando alguna forma de crear una transición de OBS que se parezca lo más posible a la transición Smooth zoom blur utilizada normalmente en programas de edición, pero no encuentro nada parecido, a lo mucho encuentro la famosa transición de move, no sé si alguien...
  7. Andilippi

    Scene as Transition v1.1.1

    Information: A plugin for OBS Studio that will allow you to use a Scene as a Transition. This can be used to create all kinds of transitions. It is recommended to get the most out of this plugin that you use other powerful plugins such as Exeldro's Move Transition Plugin to create advanced...
  8. Leachy

    Esports broadcaster looking for auto-transitions away from ad videos during intermission

    Hi everyone! I wanna pick some people's brains about this. I run esports broadcasts for a Rocket League community. In between matches, we have a looping "intermission" video that plays while we're setting up the next match. We recently implemented some advertisement videos for brands that we...
  9. SolidSt

    can't edit any stingers and it just crashes

    I have been using stingers for my transitions for a while, I seemed to have lost all my custom transitions and I cant create a new stinger without it crashing. Every other transition works with no issues. I've tried uninstalling streamfx as I believed that was the culprit but that hasn't...
  10. O

    OBS Crash upon Cut, Audio Sources Not Detected

    Hi guys, Our OBS has been crashing upon transition and audio sources goes undetected from time to time. Your help is much appreciated in identifying the issue form the crash log. Version 27.1.3 Crash log:
  11. A

    Why doesn't the add transitions button appear?

    For a few days the button to add transitions does not appear and I am not able to make it come back, I have tried reinstalling and it is still the same.
  12. M

    Zoom on freeze frame (scene transition / effect)

    I have seen a few streamers use a freeze frame and then do a zoom into a part of the frozen frame before they transition to another scene / end the freeze frame. I couldn't find any plugin or transition to do this out of the box, and also no OBS compatible shaders. Given this seems to be a...
  13. L

    Stinger transition stopping midway in and out a specific scene

    Hi guys, Here is my issue: (Log and video included down the thread) My transition doesn't play entirely and is stopped midway. And this is only happening with the first scene. For instance, the transition works perfectly from Scene 2 to Scene 3 and Scene 3 to Scene 2 (althought as you can...
  14. Lerwox

    Source transition on show/hide doesn't work with scripting

    I develop a small script in LUA which allows me to change the window of a source, but there is no transtion for this kind of effect. So I came to the idea to hide the source, modify the window and then show it to make it look better. Only when I hide and show the source the transtion are not...
  15. B

    stinger transition delay

    I cannot able to switch immediately another scene after applying this string transition. I literally have to wait 10 seconds to switch to the next scene. so I don't know whether it's a problem with my Stinger file or is it the fault in OBS. please help me out.
  16. ElDonad

    3D stinger transition 0.3.1

    A little experimental plugin aimed at generating 3D transitions.Currently creating custom transitions through a JSON configuration object is working, although the plugin is a bit quirky, it will definitively be improved in the future ! (also this is my first OBS related project, so lot of stuff...
  17. J

    OBS 27 crashing on transition

    I am assuming this is due to 27 now having some additional functions with internal motion transitions that might be interfering with my programmed previous transitions but I have no idea. Can someone help me out. The moment I transition to a new scene it instantly crashes. Log file at...
  18. ElDonad

    3D stinger transition

    Hi everyone ! I made recently a small C++ plug-in to create 3D stinger transitions ! I was largely inspired by the existing codebase and the StreamFX plugin of course, but I thought maybe some of you might be interested... I have a small demo video down below, the framerate isn't great because...
  19. Infonesii

    Scaling issue

    So today I updated to the 27 release of OBS and now all of my transitions are appearing at the wrong resolution. I use 2560x1440 Base Canvas and a 1920x1080 Output Scaled Resolution. Until today my transitions worked properly however now they are appearing to small. (I believe they're appearing...
  20. T

    Transitions problem

    I want to add a new transition but in "Scene Transitions" there is no + button :( log: