Supported Bit Versions
  1. 32-bit
  2. 64-bit
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Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux


Scene Transition Menu
A plugin for OBS Studio that will allow you to use a Scene as a Transition.

This can be used to create all kinds of transitions. It is recommended to get the most out of this plugin that you use other powerful plugins such as Exeldro's Move Transition Plugin to create advanced movements.

You can even make the transitions dynamic by passing information from a program like SAMMI or Streamer.Bot.

An example would be putting a text source on the transition scene and having it update with the name of the scene or game you are transitioning to.

Some examples of this plugin will be uploaded for you to get your hands on at StreamUP.
Special thanks to Exeldro for helping me get started making OBS plugins. I couldn't have done this without him.


• Choose a scene to use as a transition
• Set the total transition duration
• Set a what point the scene changes (Time or Percentage)
• Choose a filter to trigger on the transition scene when the transition starts

How To Use:

  1. Download the plugin for your chosen operating system. Either run the Installer or manually move the files into your root 'obs-studio' folder. For more information on installing OBS plugins, see the guide here.
  2. Under the 'Scene Transitions' dock press '+' and select 'Scene' and give the transition a name.
  3. You can configure the following 'Scene as Transition Properties':
    - Scene • Select the scene you wish to use as the transition.
    - Duration • Set how long you wish the transition to last in milliseconds (ms).
    - Transition Point • Set at which point you want the current scene to switch to the new scene. This is either a Percentage or Time in milliseconds (ms).
    - Filter To Trigger • Select a filter that is on your selected scene to be enabled when the transition is started.

Tutorial Video:


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First release
Last update
4.77 star(s) 22 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Scene As Transition • v1.1.1

    Fixed bug when audio not outputting after OBS is started
  2. Scene As Transition • v1.1.0

    Added Volume control over transition scene. Added audio fade control for scene A & scene B Added...
  3. Scene As Transition • v1.0.3

    • Added transition scene audio to final audio mix. • Added localisation for others to translate...

Latest reviews

its a very nice plugin when it working. but i have sean that sometimes the obs crashing when it is installed
Tis best ting since sliced bred
@Andilippi what an amazing plugin! Having a custom stinger transition had been on my to do list for ages. Using this plugin in conjunction with Exeldro's Move and your great YouTube tutorial, I was able to create my own stinger transition right within OBS.
This is suuweeeeeeeeeeet, bro! You're killing it right out of the gate! Pairing with Move Transition plug-in is ingenious, thank you for in-console stingers!!!
Keep up the great work Andi!
Love the plugin! Very easy to use and instructions are clear! Audio Transition is a great addition.

I had a glitch with no Audio in the NDI Output when I activated the plugin. Switching Transition-Scene forth and back within the PluginSettings solved it. Thanks Andi for your quick support on that
This plugin opens some incredible new opportunities. Used alongside a macro tool like StreamerBot you can customise every element of your scene transitions dynamically without having to make new video exports. It's also much less resource intensive than your regular stinger transition. Made a demo of it in use here:
Absolutely amazing! I've made the following that I've posted on my twitter as an example of what can be created! Didn't take me too long and it's great addition! Now just need to see what else I can make and test!
What an amazing tool for creating amazing custom transitions! Thanks a lot!
This plugin is brilliant, especially for the user who wants to keep everything inside OBS and customise it to how you want it to the fine detail.