
  1. R

    OBS stops responding when setting scene within timer callback (Python Script)

    Hi all, I've been working on a python script which is a countdown timer pretty much like the Advanced Scene Switcher, but with customised funcionality for myself. The timer callback seems to work just fine, however when I try to set the scene from within the timer_callback function, the log...
  2. M

    script to start stop live schedule time, change title random list, change midia, loop automatic

    my lives 24/7, but youtube max 8hs record, need stop live after 7hs, change title and midia and start live, loop automatic, script its possible? exist? thanks very match
  3. HisZd

    Lua Filter Source Can't Get Parent Sceneitem

    I am trying to create a filter source that manipulates the parent sceneitem's visibility using timers. I have successfully retrieved the parent source and scene, but when I try and use obs_scene_sceneitem_from_source(scene, source) I just get nil. I will attach my script, but it is VERY messy...
  4. khaver

    OBS Lua DeBlemish Filter Script 3.0

    Lua script to add a de-blemishing filter. Add the DeBlemish filter to your source. Click the "Select color" button and click "Pick Screen Color" and select a pixel in the skin. Click "OK". Check the "Show mask" box and use the sliders and Hue, Saturation and Value checkboxes to adjust the...
  5. R

    (Python) Memory management in scripts?

    I don't usually write programs or scripts which require memory management, so I have been looking at some scripts which has code like obs_data_get_array and later on they release the array using obs_data_array_release. When do I have to release references? When I am doing properties references...
  6. khaver

    OBS Lua VAPS - Volume Automation Per Scene 1.1

    Reads a text file of scene names with audio automation parameters for each audio source in each scene. With the checkbox unchecked, create a scene list text file in "Scene List to Save" by "Browsing" to a folder and enter a file name. One by one, select each scene in your Scenes dock...
  7. D

    OBS Python Show / Hide Transition Timers for Multiple Scene Items / Sources v0.1

    Hey there! So, this is a python script that will allow the user to have multiple timers that will trigger the scene item's (or "source's" as it's called in OBS) show / hide transitions. This is a pretty alpha version, so bugs may be present. The repeat timer was extensively tested by me to...
  8. LukasTycho

    Is there an event when connecting a monitor? (Scripting)

    Hi, I'm using OBS as a "Video Switcher" with a big screen. I'm using a Fullscreen Projector for this. I have a small script that autostarts the projector when OBS is started, which works fine if the screen is turned on. If the screen is off, it is not detected as a monitor in Windows and...
  9. M

    Lichess Next Challenger 1.0.1

    A simple script that will get the next challenger from and display the challenger's username in the text resource selected. To install, download the latest release and unzip into a folder of your choosing. In OBS, create the Text Source you want to use to display the name and then...
  10. reejk

    OBS Python OBS Indications on Corsair Keyboard 1.1

    This script changes led colors on Corsair keyboards by statuses of OBS scenes, sources and filters. This way you can understand what's going on in the stream even when the OBS window is not visible. Each led has settings for color when scene is active, filter is enabled, source is active, shown...
  11. D

    OBS Python Change Scene Name of Scene 0.1

    This is a super, super basic script that lets the user change a scene name to the one specified in the script window through the use of a text field and a drop down list. As I've been learning how to write scripts for OBS, I initially found it hard to figure out how some things work. So...
  12. khaver

    OBS Lua Clone Stamp 1.2

    A Lua script to add a clone stamp effect filter. Use for removing unwanted objects, etc. in a source. Add the script using the OBS Tools->Scripts menu. Add the Clone Stamp filter to a source. Check the "Show Destination and Source" checkbox. The red tinted area is the destination (the stamp)...
  13. Suslik V

    OBS Lua UnFish Lens 2022-05-21

    This script adds the "Unfish/Fish Lens" video effect filter. Compatible with OBS v21.1.2 and later. Usage: Download (or make it from the source code) the "filter-fish-lens.lua" script-file (MD5:B7094F27EEA1E2CE864BDB6A2E946ED2) Navigate to main menu Tools>Scripts>Add_button("+") and select the...
  14. khaver

    OBS Lua Chromatic Aberration 1.3

    This Lua script adds a chromatic aberration filter. Adjust red, green and blue as desired. You can also set a central zone that's not affected. Use the "Show protected center" checkbox to see the limits of the central zone. (tested only on Windows 10)
  15. J

    OBS Lua SmartStart v-1.0.0

    Simple script allowing to launch several applications at OBS startup
  16. AyRatul

    OBS Python OBS Basic Jumpcut 0.0.1

    Since i do jumpcuts on postproduction, and it takes me1 hour at least, i decided to make a simple script that i could configure to record videos with jumpcuts ¿How does it work? Enabled = if true then the script will work WHEN OBS IS RECORDING, you need to manually start/stop the recording...
  17. J

    OBS Lua Source Visibility Mirror v0.1.1-beta

    This script mirrors the visibility of one source to another source.
  18. M

    OBS is already running when using "multiprocessing" package in Python

    When opening another process in Python in one of my OBS scripts I always get an "OBS Studio is already running" message. Is there some way to silence these messages?
  19. khaver

    OBS Lua Lens Flare #2 1.3

    Another Lua script to add a lens flare effect filter. Use the "Show Target" checkbox to set the flare source location. The "Use Image Intensity" checkbox uses the brightness of the source image at the target location to affect the flare. Use the "Threshold" slider to adjust the level of...
  20. khaver

    OBS Lua Lens Flare 1.4

    A Lua script to add a lens flare effect filter. The "Use Image Intensity" checkbox uses the brightness of the source image at the center point location to affect the flare. Use the "Threshold" slider to adjust the level of brightness that affects the flare. "Animate Rays" slowly spins the...