
  1. Grandmakelly97

    Pop up on OBS start to define Output file path and File name

    Hello! I am wondering if its possible to have a plugin/script or something to activate a pop up script when OBS launches so you can input where you want to save the recording as well as what you want to name it. I have a bunch of users who use the program to record various stuff at work and we...
  2. J

    Can compressor release time limit be extended?

    I am using the compressor, limiter and expander plugins to automatically raise and lower the sound-volume on some sources, but the release-times on each plugin can not go higher than 1 second. Is there some way to extend that to longer times? Ideally up to 5 or 10 seconds. I have looked into...
  3. khaver

    OBS Lua Corner Pin 1.6

    A Lua script that adds a four corner pin transform effect filter. Adjust the four corners of a source to create various perspective effects. Copy filter-cornerpin.lua to your scripts folder (Tested only on Windows 10) Based on a corner pin shader by Charles Fettinger...
  4. khaver

    OBS Lua 3 Axis Color Correction 1.1

    A Lua script that adds a color correction effect filter. Adjust color levels between red<>cyan, green<>magenta, and blue<>yellow, corresponding to the 3 axes of a vectorscope. Another slider adjusts the luma level. Used for matching colors of different cameras. Copy filter-3axiscolor.lua to...
  5. C

    Create video/webcam sources in a script

    Hello, This is my first post here so sorry if I am not perfectly clear. I try to create sources with a script, one for a webcam and a second for a rtsp video flux. It can be in Lua or in Python if possible but it seem if I don't make a mistake that it was not possible in Python. I have looked...
  6. O

    OBS Studio crashes with "timer_add"

    Hello everyone! I have a problem with running a script in the OBS Studio There is a "check_and_switch" function, and I want to call it every 3 seconds When I call it in this way "check_and_switch()" - everything works properly (but the function is called once) But when I write...
  7. M

    [Question] Manual property widgets refresh

    Hi, I'm working on Win 10 and trying to write a python script for OBS. I had a lot of problems. For me it seems impossible to use set_modified_callback() inside of script_properties() without OBS crashes after restart. I overcame this by using a timer which registers the modified callback after...
  8. J

    Accessing the bandwidth test checkbox

    Hello coders, I have written a short script to post a live notification to my discord webhook when I start streaming. What bothers me is that this even happens when I activate the "bandwidth test mode" under Settings -> Stream -> Platform Twitch and hit "Start Streaming". Is there a way to...
  9. yansaan

    is there a "slideshow" source?

    Hello, there are scripts or plugins that can change sources (such as source toggler) but with automatically, so it looks like a slideshow?
  10. BadaqMeAjuda

    OBS Lua Random Toggler v1.0.0 1.0.0

    Based on Exeldro's Source Toggle I've made a version that let's you randomly toggle one source from a scene via hotkey.
  11. Tobsa

    OBS Python Recording Notification 2.0

    How it works: When the 'Start recording' button is pressed a popup window appears on top of the screen showing you that OBS is recording, you can left-click and drag the window to position it. This script was made using Python and tkinter library. Installation: Download the...
  12. GrumpyDog

    OBS Lua Media Switch Scene 0.3

    This Script will change the active scene once the selected media file ended. Download and install the Audio Status Monitor lua script. Open up the Scripts dialog (Tools -> Scripts) Click the Plus '+' to add a new Script, select MediaSwitchScene.lua Configure the Script properties: Select the...
  13. GrumpyDog

    OBS Lua Source Search Helper Relinked

    A Simple tool to help you find the location of a Source. Have you ever looked for a specific source nested somewhere in a scene? Have you ever looked for a specific filter applied on some source nested somewhere in a scene? This tool can help. Search by: Source Name Source Type Filter...
  14. wilderf353

    OBS Lua Scene Count Up Timer with Active Scene's Name 0.3

    We use OBS Studio at my church with a multi-camera setup. With the idea that changing camera views enhances visual interest and it breaks up the monotony of a single head-shot during long segments, it is nice to rotate through the different cameras. The problem with changing cameras manually...
  15. Lerwox

    Source transition on show/hide doesn't work with scripting

    I develop a small script in LUA which allows me to change the window of a source, but there is no transtion for this kind of effect. So I came to the idea to hide the source, modify the window and then show it to make it look better. Only when I hide and show the source the transtion are not...
  16. A

    Sending hotkeys to browser dock

    Hi all, I'm looking for a method to send keypresses to a browser dock when it's not focused. I have an HTTP interface in a browser dock which I would like to control with keyboard shortcuts even when the dock isn't focused. Ideally this would all be done from a Python script, but it looks like...
  17. H

    Best Of 3 Tally Mark Counter Using 3 Hyphens

    Need help making an obs script that has me and a friend stumped, I'm not a coder so keep that in mind if I make no sense. The idea behind it is that there are 3 text sources, one will be red team and one will be blue team. The last text will be the blank white to show no points were scored on...
  18. P

    Looking for a way to add different tips on a scene, like a game loading screen

    The title is pretty self explanatory. I'm looking for a script or something that allows me to add different lines of text appear at the bottom of the screen one at a time. Similar to how video games have on their loading screens. Any help would be great!
  19. someducky

    Python Scripting - Pulling audio source information

    Hi! I've searched around in the guides, forum, and documentation for this, with no luck. I'm trying to pull information (the decibel level, to be precise) for a specific audio source, like a microphone for example. I know there's a flag for when the source is muted, but that's all I can find...
  20. KnightNine

    How can i get a script to save each frame's video data to a file every frame?

    So i'm completely new to lua and the OBS API but i want to have a script save the video output to a jpeg every frame, i'm aware that there's a "singlejpeg" output in the recording settings but since obs doesn't let me open that jpeg while it's being written over; so i can't read it from any...