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OBS Lua VAPS - Volume Automation Per Scene 1.1

Reads a text file of scene names with audio automation parameters for each audio source in each scene.


With the checkbox unchecked, create a scene list text file in "Scene List to Save" by "Browsing" to a folder and enter a file name. One by one, select each scene in your Scenes dock and adjust the audio volume sliders for each audio source as desired. Once all the levels are set, click the "Save current scene with audio sources and levels to list" button. Do this for every scene in which you want to automate the audio sources levels.

If you only need the audio level changes to be simple "cuts", then you can use the scene list file as-is (default is a 0 ms duration automation change). "Browse" for and select the scene list file in "Scene List to Load". Check the "Load scene list and enable automation" box, and the scene list file will load and the automation will start. To stop automation and show the script settings, uncheck the "Load scene list and enable automation" box.

To adjust the automation parameters of your new scene or loaded scene list, click the "Edit new list file" or "Edit loaded list file" button. Your default text editor will open with the scene list file open. Below is a sample of the scene list text file format.

Slide Screen;Camera A|-inf dB|0;Camera B|-inf dB|0;Microphone|-inf dB|0
Announcements;Camera A|-inf dB|0;Camera B|-inf dB|0;Microphone|0.0 dB|0
Sermon;Camera A|0.0 dB|0;Camera B|-inf dB|0;Microphone|-inf dB|0
Sermon Wide;Camera B|0.0 dB|0;Camera A|0.0 dB|0;Microphone|-inf dB|0
Sanctuary;Camera B|-12.0 dB|0;Camera A|-12.0 dB|0;Microphone|-inf dB|0

Each line is one scene with all it's audio sources. Semicolons separate the scene name (first on each line) and audio sources. Audio source automation parameters are separated by a "|". The first audio source parameter is the dB level. If you need to edit these, the format shown must be followed. Full on is "0.0 dB" (you don't actually need the "dB", but it makes it easier to read). Full off is "-inf dB". And levels between are negative numbers. The second audio source parameter is the duration of the audio level change in milliseconds.

Once you've made the desired changes, save the file from your text editor. "Browse" for and select the scene list file in "Scene List to Load". Check the "Load scene list and enable automation" box, and the scene list file will load and the automation will start.

Note: Global Audio Sources can not be automated with this script. Only tested on Windows 10. This version 1.0 is more like a first beta version, please report back here problems and comments.
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  1. User Fix

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  2. Version 1.1

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