
  1. K

    I have almost 50 mbps upload speed yet my kbps stay in the red when trying to stream no matter what i change in settings here's my log

    I have tried even different streaming services and its still red bar everytime unplugges ethernet mulitple restarts disconneted it in my settings still nothing
  2. dng203

    Settings to record Roblox with OBS

    So I want to record some of my Roblox gameplays so that I can send to my friends, but the video is really laggy and unable to watch. I tried the settings on Youtube but they arent working. My specs: ( 1600x900 Monitor) OBS settings: I want a fast and smooth video but not too bad quality...
  3. C

    Youtube connection

    I must say that this is not very intuitive nor is it really working the way I thought it would work either. I have a few streamkeys for different resolutions in my Youtube Studio, and every time I try to select my 4K StreamKey and add it to OBS I get two options, Get StreamKey and Connect with...
  4. agassijoel

    How to add audio from osmo pocket 3 to obs

    Hi, I have successfully added Osmo Pocket 3 as a webcam but am not getting the audio. can someone suggest to me how to do it? please see the attached screenshot.
  5. F

    Audio recording problem

    Hello people, I had a problem with the audio of a recording in obs. I had been recording files without a problem, until I started hearing an echo, then I changed the advanced settings of the microphone from "monitoring and output" to "monitoring only", thinking that this was the problem of the...
  6. F

    How should obs live broadcast settings be for 7900 XTX?

    processor r7 7800x3d graphics card 7900xtx but for 10 days there is no obs settings quality is like mud and there is a frame by frame image what should be the obs settings what should I do? and how do I use AV1 code. upload 15mbps
  7. T

    OBS and Zoom on Surface Pro 11 (Arm based system)

    Hi all: Does anyone know if the OBS team have figured out a workaround to make OBS work with Zoom on an Arm based system? I would love to use the product but I have a Surface Pro 11 (Arm based) and the virtual camera currently will not work with Zoom on this system. OBS sees my camera. Zoom...
  8. J

    OBS with Tiktok Studio

    Hi, I don't know if I can post this here, but hoping someone can help if they had the same problem. When streaming to kick I have no issues and FPS is good, around 150 - 200, but when I use virtual camera on OBS to tiktok studio, my frames are dropping to 80-100, game is stuttering a lot and...
  9. H

    Can't connect to Twitch

    Hello together, I have problems connecting to Twitch with OBS using rtmp plugin. My dock says "connection to stream failed". I don't know why this happens.
  10. B


    My obs keeps disconnecting like 3-4 times a stream, sometimes within 5 minutes of starting, My kbps goes from green to red and disconnects. I tried everything in the manual for this problem, my setup 4090, 13900k 32 gb of ram, 3 tb of storage, my ISP is 1G upload and download fiber internet...
  11. A

    Not sure what is causing this?

    Current Log File https://obsproject.com/logs/vbdhEsBUyknOmDHD Previous Log File https://obsproject.com/logs/K0bIOSj8DLQeygUm I have been using OBS for 5+ years, never encountered something like this. It looks like the bit rate is horrendously dying. I've tried a few adjustments but I'm not...
  12. Kuroganashi

    Need help analyzing why my OBS keeps crashing.......

    got this but won't tell me why it is crashing :( https://obsproject.com/logs/NhgRLdWNzTLZ6GTp I open on Safe mode > close > open normally it works, but then when I close it crashes and gotta do it again on safe mode next time (it is not normal)
  13. I

    random crashed when use/close

    Hello there I got some problem that's when I used my OBS sometime its crashed from changing scene or active filter that make my stream go off and its always crashed when I tried to close the obs. I attached the crash file below . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. J


    Hola estoy buscando algun pluggin que me ayude a realizar dos grabaciones al mismo tiempo en un solo programa explico: estoy buscando una herramienta que me ayude a realizar pequeños clip como pregunta y respuestas de un podcast que esta siendo gravado, osea doy a iniciar grabacion y dentro de...
  15. Asotief

    Playout W: Controle de Playlists ao Vivo para Streaming LIVRE! 3.05

    The Playout W 3.5 is a free and comprehensive solution for live playlist management, perfect for those working with video broadcasts on platforms like OBS Studio. It enables users to create and control playlists conveniently, with options to start, stop, and skip videos effortlessly, as well as...
  16. Lagsuz

    Problemas con el kbps

    Hola, tengo un problema cuando hago streams ya que mi kbps esta muy bajo, no llega ni a los 1000, cuando juego fortnite no jala, pero cuando cierro fornite, jala de maravilla no se si es problema de fornite, pero si alguien me pudiera ayudar porfa , trasnmito a 720p a 30 fps y tengo de internet...
  17. RicordiTV

    Problema audio fuori sincro su Elgato e WebCam

    Sto riscontrando problemi con l'audio che va fuori sincrono sia su Elgato sia su qualsiasi altra [fonte di acquisizione video].
  18. A

    Dota 2 fps drop when turn OBS

    Hi, I’ve encountered a problem: when I launch OBS, the frame rate in Dota 2 drops by 40-50. It usually stays steady at 120-140, but just by launching the program, there are sudden drops to 70-90, which isn’t normal since everything was fine literally a week ago. I was streaming to both YouTube...
  19. P

    HELP : OBS makes my computer freeze while I'm streaming

    Hello everyone, I'm a French speaking person so excuse my bad english; Since a few weeks, I have a major problem while I'm streaming : my webcam freezes completely during the livestream. In fact, I will give you the steps that happened at every single stream : 1. My webcam randomly freezes 2...
  20. R

    Advanced Scene Switcher Timers?

    Hi there, Not sure if I can desribe it correctly but basically, I am wanting to implement a Like, Sub popup on my Streams on YouTube. I have created the video file but am struggling to get this video to disappear after it plays but then to reappear and have it cycle where lets say, every 30min...