
  1. alexthekidmg

    AMD Processor Has No Integrated Graphics, How Do I Fix Display Capture?

    I understand that to fix display capture from showing a black screen you set obs to use power saver in order to use integrated graphics but I don't have any. All I see is my graphics card for both options do to having an AMD processor without integrated graphics. I tried using all three...
  2. matteodev

    Failed to start recording

    Hello. I wanted to record something on OBS but then I got his Error: Starting the output failed. Please check the log for details. Note: If you are using the NVENC or AMD encoders, make sure your video drivers are up to date. I use Software based encoding. Here is the log...
  3. F

    AMD Laptop Black Screen Log linked above. Did the typical. Set both Valorant and OBS to High-Performance to use dedicated GPU, still black screen. Tried 'any fullscreen application' and the specific window option, neither worked. Preview is black too. Audio is recorded...
  4. LIMPIX31

    AMD (radeon) encoder missing

    Russian language ========================== Я использую две видеокарты AMD (ATI) radeon hd 5830. Bandicam замечательно кодирует изображение через видеокарту, а вот OBS не хочет. Я просто не вижу кодировщик AMD в списке, только x264. Вот что я сделал чтобы попробовать исправить это: 1. Обновил...
  5. C

    OBS Failed to start recording

    Hi I'm trying to record on OBS. I've used it successfully before many times but lately, when I hit record I'm getting the following message: I'm using the H264/AVC Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework). The research I've done tells me to change the Encoder to x264 and just use the CPU...
  6. CheeseCake

    Very low frame rate using FFMPEG VAAPI encoder ( < 1 fps )

    Hi all, Artix Linux user here with RX 5700 XT and up-to-date AMDGPU drivers. I have been streaming / recording using obs for the past few month and everything was working fine until recently (I noticed this issue about two weeks ago when I started recording again), obs started to produce very...
  7. pravinrajlr

    OBS Crashing during startup

    Hi! OBS studio is getting crashed every time when it was opened. it simply shows a crash message and closes it.. attached the log files
  8. T

    Ryzen 5 4500U Dedicated Streaming (Encoder Overloaded)

    Hello lovely OBS community. Recently I have purchased Dell Inspiron 5505 laptop, which has Ryzen 5 4500U 6 cores 6 threads and 8GB 3200MHz DDR4 RAM. I was trying to use it as a dedicated streaming PC via NDI OBS and was trying to encode at x264 faster 936P 60FPS. I thought 6 cores and 6 threads...
  9. Prizzem

    AMD encoder keeps freezing, checking logs and saying amf not found That is my obs logs, when I try to record using the amd encoder, it stays in stopping recording. I think it is amf, but 1. how do you install advanced media firework, 2. will it work? im trying to record at higher fps at well, like 120, 340, for...
  10. M

    No AMD Encoder

    Hey guys, I use a laptop with AMD A12-9720P RADEON R7, 12 COMPUTE CORES 4C+8G (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz. I basically use it for Just Chatting and reacting streams because I know it won't be able to stream games with this setup. OBS is not displaying the encoder and I am assuming it has one because...
  11. C

    OBS Stream Performance: AMD vs Intel using NVENC?

    Hey guys.. I have a Ryzen 3900x & an ASUS 2070 Super in my Rig for gaming and streaming. When I did the build NVENC wasnt out and thats pretty much all I’ve been using with no issues at all since its been out. With that being said would it make more sense to go with Intel for the single core...
  12. S

    Can't play while streaming - CPU running on 100%

    Hi, I've read the " High CPU Usage/High Encoding/Taking too long to encode? Read this first!" and the " Dropped frames/disconnecting/lag? Read this first! " threads, but my problem is still occuring. Log: (Already get rid of window capture, it was...
  13. T

    Which bitrate settings for AMD RX 5600XT

    Hello, When I try to record my COD Cold War gameplay I always get choppy recordings. Currently I run an AMD RX 5600 XT with an Ryzen 5 3600 and 16gb 3200mhz ram. Does anyone know the best bitrate setting for 1080p60 for recording games? Let me know Here's 1 example...
  14. L

    No AMD (Hardware) option at all?

    I tried everything I could before coming here, including a plug in that supposedly would help me, by showing the AMD (Hardaware) option for encoding the video. The plug in didn't work, as when I selected the new encoding alternative, OBS Studio crashed every time I tried to start streaming...
  15. G

    Obs 0Kb/s AYUDA/HELP!

    Empiezo a stream y todo bien, pero 2 h después Obs deja de compartir el stream, marcando 0Kb/s pero el recuadro está en verde!!! AYUDDA! I start to stream and everything is fine, but 2 h after Obs stops sharing the stream, marking 0Kb / s but the box is green !!! HELP! Settings: Code: AMD...
  16. Sgt_Logix

    AVC encoder bitrate only 0kbps or 1kbps

    Hi there guys, I tried to change the bitrate, but I just can't seem to make it switch. The only two options that it lets me do, is either 1 or 0. I can't really figure out why does this problem occurs, but I hope that I'm not the only one having this problem! Does someone face this issue too? I...
  17. Sgt_Logix

    Can't change bitrate in advanced encoder settings while using AVC encoder!

    Hi there guys, Today, I bought myself some new upgrades for my pc (sweet!), but when I try to change the bitrate, I just can't seem to make it switch. The only two options that it lets me do, is either 1 or 0. I can't really figure out why does this problem occurs, but I hope that I'm not the...

    AMD Encoder Bitrate Issue (Awaiting Fix Please)

    Recently the AMD Encoder stopped working correctly. I can no longer change my bitrate as it will be stuck to 1 or 0 no matter what I do even as far to reinstall OBS. I'm hoping someone knows a fix or if an update being worked on please. Some of my main PC specs. CPU: Ryzen 7 2700X GPU...
  19. Toback0

    Problem mit AMD Encoder

    Hey. Ich gehöre zu einen der Glücklichen, welche noch eine RX 6800 erhalten haben. (Dabei handelt es sich um meine erste AMD Grafikkarte.) Ich habe jetzt nur bei der Aufnahme folgendes Problem: Sobald ich aufnehme und die Grafikkarte über die 90% Auslastung kommt, bekomme ich sofort...
  20. H

    DX12 Games Flickering in Game Capture And Bandicam FPS Overlay Fixes It (AMD 5700XT)

    Hi, so I've been having this issue with all DX12 games where the game, game UI and other overlays such as MSI afterburner have been flickering and stuttering in game capture, and the only way to get it to stop flickering is by having the bandicam fps overlay on at all times. Here is a link to a...