Supported Bit Versions
  1. 64-bit
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Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux
⚠️ Stalled ⚠️ This project is not under active development

The OCR Plugin for OBS provides real-time Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or Text Recognition & Detection abilities over any OBS Source that provides an image - can be Image, Video, Browser or any other Source. It is based on the incredible Tesseract open source OCR engine, compiled and running directly inside OBS for real-time operation on every frame rendered.

ocr tut (1).png
4 minutes​
Do more with OCR:
ocr blur.png
ocr captions translate.png

2 Minutes Tutorials​
  • Add OCR Filter to any source with image or video output
  • Choose from English model or Scoreboard model
  • Output OCR result to an OBS Text Source
  • Choose the segmentation mode: Word, Line, Page, etc.
  • "Semantic Smoothing": getting more consistent outputs with higher accuracy and confidence by "averaging" several text outputs
  • Timing/Running modes: per X-milliseconds
  • Output formatting (with inja): e.g. "Score: {{score}}"
  • Output text detection to image source
  • Binarization methods (threshold, Otsu, Triangle, adaptive)
  • Image Dilation
  • Rescale (optimal Tesseract performance is at 35 pixels / character)
Coming soon:
  • More languages built-in (pretrained Tesseract models)
  • Allowing external model files
  • More output capabilities e.g. Parsing, websocket event, etc.
  • Extracting text from complex image layouts
  • Different timing/run modes: per X-frames, image change, etc.
  • Image stabilization
  • Optical flow tracking for fast moving text
  • Image processing: Perspective warping, auto-cropping, etc.
  • Advanced binarization: Niblack, Sauvola
More tutorials coming soon!
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from royshilkrot

Latest updates

  1. v0.0.8 - Fix text source selection, hide filter to disable

    In this release: Hide filter will disable OCR process Filter crop settings to limit OCR input...
  2. v0.0.7 - Many languages! More output options and visualizations

    Busy release! Many more languages, output options, visualizations and convenience features...
  3. v0.0.6 - Binarization! Preview! Scaling, dilation... the good stuff!

    Adding several binarization methods - threshold, Otsu/Triangle and adaptive As well as a way to...

Latest reviews

Finally an OCR tool for OBS! Testing it this weekend for our Korfball-matches!
Works great for IRL broadcasting, but for some e-sports games (like Slapshot: Rebound) it has trouble detecting the font of the in-game scoreboard.
Simple plugin but powerful
thanks for the review! <3 what do you think would make the plugin more useful?
its work!
of course, i would like to have built-in warp and crop
Great ideas! I will add them to the roadmap. If you're looking to get it fast - submit an issue and I'll prioritize