CleanStream - Remove profanity and fillers in your live stream or recording with AI!

CleanStream - Remove profanity and fillers in your live stream or recording with AI! 0.1.0

Supported Bit Versions
  1. 64-bit
Source Code URL
Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux
CleanStream is an OBS plugin that cleans live audio streams or any other video or audio source, from unwanted words and utterances. ~100 languages supported - fully local, no extra cloud costs!

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Interested in AI? Copilot for OBS? Check out my AI for OBS tutorials and URL/API source! Be a 10x streamer / creator with free AI tools open source.


Check out the latest releases for downloads and install instructions.

Demo and Tutorial
cleanstream new.png


  • OBS version 30+ for plugin v0.0.4+
  • OBS version 29+ for plugin v0.0.2+
  • OBS version 28+ for plugin v0.0.1
We do not support older versions of OBS since the plugin is using newer APIs.


CleanStream is an OBS plugin that cleans live audio streams from unwanted words and utterances, such as "uh"s and "um"s, and other words that you can configure, like profanity.
It is using a neural network (OpenAI Whisper) to predict in real time the speech and remove the unwanted words.
It's using the Whisper.cpp project from ggerganov to run the Whisper network in a very efficient way.

Check out LocalVocal a local speech transcription plugin using the same AI technology:
  • 809BE754-FD22-49F6-BA07-082ACD1B3644.PNG
    655.2 KB · Views: 12,033
First release
Last update
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More resources from royshilkrot

Latest updates

  1. v0.1.0 Bump OBS dependency to support v30.2

    Bumping to OBS v30.1+! Fixing a number of bugs related to outdated OBS dependency. Download...
  2. v0.0.9 Bump Whisper + Bugs and Fixes all around!

    Bumping Whisper.cpp version and resolving a critical bug. Fixing the adaptive buffer to allow...
  3. v0.0.6 - Complete overhaul! Robust, accurate, more HW support, external sounds...

    Complete overhaul! It's like a new plugin - lean and mean Reworked the architecture, made it...