I have been working on building Instant Replay scenes as part of my live streaming production of high school hockey games. I use multiple cameras to accomplish this task. Using the YouTube video from Defrag, I followed the building of the scenes.
It has been a challenge for me to find the Goldilocks settings with this plugin so OBS doesn't crash and this plugin unloads from memory.
I'm not sure why v0.4.4 has an issue unloading from memory so I ended up using Source Record v0.3.4. The problem with failing to unload from memory, is the next time OBS starts, there's a request for either starting Normally or in Safe Mode. It doesn't create a crash report, so I'm not sure where to even begin.
After upgrading OBS to v31, I had to update Source Record to v0.3.5. So far, the plugin unloads from memory and there are no other issues with the settings.
My impression of Source Record is when it works, it's good. As there are no other plugins available that do what Source Record does. Similarly can be said when the plugin isn't working. It can be a challenge to figure out what setting(s) caused the issue(s).
I'm sure Exeldro will figure out the issue.