Added support for the gamepad overlay on linux.
Currently only tested with my own gamepad, but if anyone has issues with the button
mappings I'll try to make them configurable
Added linux 64bit binary (Compiled and tested on Manjaro 17.1.2)
Updated CCL to include error messages
Added Error logging for config loading to obs
Compiling against correct Xinput lib
Fixed spacebar key code
Added new overlay options to show mouse movement
Added new history options to rename keys and exclude unnamed keys
Added new history options to replace keys with icons (images)
Hopefully fixed memory leaks with input-history.
Switched from using Windows API to libuiohook, which is crossplatform
(That means there'll hopefully be a linux version soon!)

This required a lot of changes in the back end so please let me know if anything broke in the process
Switched to dynamic config loading (Old configs will NOT work anymore)
Added gamepad preset
Added support for file paths that contain Unicode characters
Added option to automatically clear input history after no input for x seconds.
Added option to show repeated key inputs.
Fixed a bug where the text of the input history would scale up when the history wasn't completely filled
Added an opacity slider, since using a filter doesn't work.
Fixed empty lines appearing when disabling mouse input and pressing any mouse button
New source type called "Input History"
Will display most keyboard shortcuts in a chronological order.