Display Song line by line or Verse by verse
Added new translations. Hausa, and Igbo language
Bold and italize text for Text area
Updated some colors in the theme.
Made some changes to the UI, moved Bible closer to Bible search for easy navigation
Made it possible to use space to send text to the screen when typing.
Added a fade in Transition.
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Reactions: Dunamis GH
In this release, the User interface has been revamped to make it intuitive and easy to use.
Timer for songs have been added. Users can set lines songs to display for a number of seconds before going to the next line.
Animations have been added to the OBS Bible plugin and other bugs fixed.

Bugs fixed are
Margin not applying fixed
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Reactions: Dunamis GH
Translations can now load faster and update in real time.
Redesigned the User Interface and improved the site. This is a pre-release.
Added some shortcuts to OBS BIBLE PLUGIN

The following are shortcuts
  1. Ctrl + arrowup Toggle Display
  2. Ctrl + arrowdown Display Text
  3. Ctrl + B Color text
  4. Ctrl + I Italic
  5. Shift + L Left Align
  6. Shift + R Right Align
  7. Shift + E Center Align
  8. Shift + J Justify Align
Search is now faster while still being intelligent.
You can add text shadow to the text.

Updated the theme​

Users can now change the plugin's theme to match any OBS theme.
Users can conduct more intelligent searches.
Users can now use ** to change the color of a text and __ to italicize a text.
Users can now use French and Spanish versions.
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Reactions: bishop john njenga
Added a new feature to turn the display on and off in the plugin without switching the scenes in OBS.
OBS Bible Plugin is now available in New King James Version NKJV and Louis Segond (French) translations. Thank you.
Now available in
1. New King James Version
2. French
3. Spanish