It's amazing!
Thanks :)
I feel so bad for not updating my review after the theme was updated to make the change I requested. Still my favourite theme, love it, thanks!
hahah. Its okay lol. Gald u like it!
Nice. Simple and sleek.
Nice theme but as it hasn't been updated in sometime minor issues are building up with each new release of OBS.
Has this been abandoned by the author?
Not abandoned, just didnt look at it yet xD Github is public, everyone can make a pull request btw.
This is perfect. Clear lines and not obstructive.
Way better than the default dark theme, love it
Hands down my favourite theme. If the speaker icons turned red when muted I'd give it a full 5 stars, that's my only little nit pick about it.
A nice clean and good looking theme!
There isn't much for me to say, which is... actually a good thing. It's a simple, functional, and pleasant theme.
Best theme .. clean as! Thank you
Easy on the eyes - very clean and pro looking