OK I have a totally stupid issue that I have not figured out the mistake I am making.
First I'm doing it 'wrong' with Display Capture for a PDF with my monitor in 'Portrait mode' and I need to display only a portion of the monitor. This is the "production" computer, (with OBS on the top ((so the instructor knows what is being shared)) and the pdf in a browser at the bottom portion of the Monitor (or desktop if you will) .
Here is what is being shared with the other 'Main OBS' Computer (with NDI). Yes, silly to have two, but we both have the exact same monitors, but with mouse and keyboard to one computer.
I think
1. I am not grasping what happens between the 'two sets' of Edit Transform Settings. or
2. I have some setting so far off that I dont have a chance at getting it right.
3. This might need some dev time to do what I am asking (im willing to support the effort if this is the case)
4. Something else?
Esentially, when I have the PDF at 100% it's in the right place in the screen -- but then the 'zoomed' in view is in the wrong place, or rather the bounds change and the image is no longer in view...
Main OBS View: with 100% positioned nicely..
Zoomed in View: is not terrible, and I candidly don't know how I pulled this off to get it so close. I would like to set the boundaries on the monitor, so that the other instructor arn't able to scroll past the browser limits at the top and bottom and show the students anything except the book we are teaching... (ie red box stuff in this pic) .
I can see that the Script settings effect the Edit Transform Settings, and I understand that there is a difference between the adjustments between the Bounding Box Size using the alt key and if the bounding Box Type is being used, but the concept is new to me and a bit murky stil.
I'll buy someone a steak the size of a toilet seat if they can help me get this right..
Here is my other settings..
Edit Transform with zoom off
Edit transform with zoom on
And my Script settings
oh and here is a link to a video that explains the edit transform settings very well.
and here is some context of why I chose to use this plugin... I'm open to suggestions, or helping anyone accomplish the parts that we got right..
Current Two Person Greenscreen setup.