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OBS Python Zoom and Follow 0.1.0

Have you ever needed to zoom in on your screen to show some fine detail work, or to make your large 4k/ultrawide monitor less daunting? Zoom and Follow for OBS Studio does exactly that, zooms in on your mouse and follows it around. Configurable and low-impact, you can now do old school Camtasia zoom ins live

Inspired by caharkness's Magic Window
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest reviews

Despite it only working on my machine for a day and then breaking, I'm still giving it 5 stars. After desperately searching for alternatives, I can say this script is leaps and bounds over any other solution (at least on Windows). It is in a class of its own. Phenomenal work, tryptech!
Took a bit of figuring out on my end with the python side of things but now that it's working I'm so happy with the results! Very cool script thank you tryptech