Bug Report Won't show stream thumbnail on Twitch

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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Again just so people see the post on this page - If you get a broken preview/thumbnail, please post a link to specific vod of the broadcast where this has occurred, if possible.


Sorry Jim, I'm confused. Is posting the direct link to the twitch video good enough? After the 0.452a update it would always get the first thumbnail properly, but 1 - 2 more screen caps it would then display the twitch grey thumbnail.

Gol D. Ace

I tried it again. Now it's working fine.... I don't get it.

Streamed with 0.452a for about an hour with 1024x768 and 854x480 no problems so far...


Hmmm maybe Golds onto something... I wonder if this relates to certain resolutions and aspect ratios... I'm streaming at 1120x700. I don't know why it would fix itself after four hours of streaming though.


You should note every time you start OBS again it will properly update the twitch thumbnail. So if you are restarting it's going to work. It's after a while in the latest version that it just starts showing the twitch grey thumbnail.


I haven't had the thumbnail update properly when I first start the stream. That goes for when I was getting the grey ? and now when I get the black thumbnail.

I've been using the same resolution ever since I started streaming with OBS though, so I don't know why it would switch from the grey ? to a black thumbnail. Perhaps something was changed that deals with downscaling between .448 and .452?

I use 1680x1050 and downscale it to 1120x700 (which is a real oddball resolution, but it is 16:10). I'll try a different resolution tonight and see what happens. I don't know why it would fix itself after streaming for about four hours though, it did that again last night.


Hey Bensam,

I still think most people in this thread are talking about seeing this: http://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/previews/sc ... 30x473.png and not the black screen. Jim can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure these two problems are not related (black screen shot and twitch not being able to get a screen cap at all).

When Jim was talking about a possible fix, I'm not sure he meant for the black screen, but for the grey thumbnail.

But hopefully he can chime in and let us know.


Gol D. Ace said:
So the problem seems to be resolution related too hmm....

I stream at 720p60 and suffer the same issue ( have just suck to using xsplit because of it ) so it's very likely resolution is not a contributing factor.

page king quote:
Jim said:
Could you guys who are having failing previews/thumbnails give me the vods of when this occurs? If you can provide me with the vods, I can hopefully relay this to twitch and we can get the matter solved.


New Member
Its not resolution, I guess. I just streamed for 2 hours in 720 and got the same problem. Im seeing a static thumbnail (the first frame when I start the stream) and it never updates.


I disagree defunt as people aren't only having issues with a gray thumbnail, but the thumbnail eventually updates in some manner and/or it remains static after updating or doesn't update at all. Mine eventually updates too. They all relate to the thumbnail not updating properly in different ways. Not everyone is getting purely a grey ?, including yourself as yours eventually updates as well.


So far so good for me! What did the problem end up being? I'm only 1h 32 mins in so far but the thumbnail continues to update.


Well, I can start a new thread but I just got 240 dropped frames, it dc'd me and then crashed when I tried to stop the stream.
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