Bug Report Won't show stream thumbnail on Twitch

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Can somone please tell me how they fixed this -.- ive been using OBS for 2 weeks and didnt even notice till now that all my previous videos were just grey boxes and was showing up in the channel list as a grey box I was wondering what was going on. http://www.twitch.tv/corytp/videos?kind=past_broadcasts the top 2 just did that on its own idk how but still in the channels list it is appearing grey like the ones below the top 2 previous broadcasts. using v.047a


Bump please help ^
this is what happens when I have been streaming my channel thumbnail is just a grey box and it makes viewers not want to come around


heros in an halfshel
I'm looking at my following page right now, and all of the thumbnails are from older broadcasts. If it doesn't happen to other people you see thumbnails for, they're just lucky that they've got a thumbnail somewhat closely representing what they're currently playing.


heros in an halfshel
It shows thumbnails from older broadcasts because it's broken, it's not something you choose to do. Twitch have already acknowledged that their thumbnails are broken, regardless what people stream with, as to why they haven't fixed it yet you'd have to ask them, not us.


OOOOO okayyy i see now, well since i fixed the past broadcast thumbnail previews the more i stream the less often i will see the grey boxes now. Alright thanks alot man :)


So what happened to the negative CTS option? My streams showing thumbnails from the game I played the other day even though I started streaming a completely different game today.


heros in an halfshel
Bensam, did you even bother reading the last few posts in the thread? :)

Twitch thumbnails have been broken (in comparison to how they used to work) for an extended period of time now, regardless of the software you use to stream, and regardless of the now missing and defunct negative CTS option. They simply don't update all that often, there's not much you can do about it.


Did you bother reading the whole thread? :)

I've been posting in it since the second page. Xsplit updates the thumbnails just fine. That has been a object of discussion off and on in this thread for awhile. Twitch thumbnail code may be broken, but the negative CTS option made it workable. Jim removed the negative CTS option though which means we're back to thumbnail crapouts. No one knows why Xsplit works fine either... which is safe to say they may be implementing a negative CTS option (or something like it) and not telling their users.

I don't mind having some features broken on the Twitch site (I haven't experienced that myself) if it allows me to have a working thumbnail.


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I unfortunately don't know the cause. I am hoping that if there is something wrong with my transmission that twitch would tell me, but they have told me that my transmission is fine. If it doesn't happen with that other application then perhaps there is more to this, but I don't know. Twitch has to tell me otherwise I just won't know. I realize they're busy but it would be very nice to have some update on this matter from them if it's still actually occurring. I can't work in the dark here.

I can't work just on theories as to why this may be occurring. It's their code, if they really want to, they can figure out what's causing it to fail, and they can relay that information back to me if it is on my end. It has to be done, otherwise I can't do anything.


You couldn't re-add the negative CTS option in advanced? I'm not saying default everyone to negative CTS, but at least give people the option to fix their thumbnail. I know you don't want to alienate Twitch, but unless they're telling you not to do it (which it didn't seem like), I don't see the harm in it. Just warn people that it might break some features.

I streamed half the night tonight with a different game as my thumbnail (Blacklight Retribution). That drives away quite a few viewers who think you're streaming something else. That happens quite frequently, where people stream a different game and forget to change what they're playing.


heros in an halfshel
Even if you say that Twitch updates the thumbnail "just fine" for people using XSplit, it does NOT. The main reason you sometimes see thumbnails representing what they're playing is because they spend a lot of time playing that game. Yesterday I saw thumbnails from Minecraft on a channel where the caster (a partner using XSplit) was casting Dishonored. Why was it Minecraft? Because a thumbnail in the set Twitch cycles between happened to be Minecraft. As far as I know, the negative CBS thing only worked BEFORE Twitch's thumbnail code was changed to what it is now. And yes, I've read the entire thread, which is why I was surprised that you suddenly posted in it again when the Twitch thumbnails had been broken/working different compared to before for such a long time.


New Member
Just had this start to happen to me as well. Funny thing was it was working fine for weeks, then suddenly all my thumbnails display as grey - you can sort of see the game behind the grey sometimes.

I have been doing different things with my channel, such as adding a text overlay, and upping to 60fps. I've also enabled CBR as per the Twitch FAQ which recommends it (and my connection can handle it).

I've tried dropping the text overlay, that had no effect. I haven't tried dropping the 60fps yet, so I'll try that next. If that still doesn't work, will drop CBR as well as all the others. Then my stream will be back to the default settings practically and I'll see if the thumbnail comes back.

I've noticed a few other grey thumbnails in the list of streamers, asked one and he was using OBS. So it is still happening.

I'll send in a ticket to Twitch to just add my voice to those asking them for a resolution - they really should be able to take a look at one of these streams at the time and just see on their end what's going on so we can fix it.


Community Helper
BThomson, which version of OBS are you using? I thought this was fixed a while ago, and I haven't had it happen to me using OBS 0.472 for a long time.


New Member
I'm using .472b and it seems to be the CBR setting.

If I turn CBR off, the thumbnail comes back. If I turn CBR on, the thumbnail goes grey.

This was confirmed by a user on the Twitch help as well, they had the exact same result.

So for now I have turned CBR off, and when the next stable update for OBS comes out I'll give it another go and see if it is fixed.

CBR looks much better than variable if you have the overhead to use it, but it's better to have a working thumbnail when variable is more than acceptable.


Community Helper
CBR doesn't work right in 0.472b, so the latest test might work better for you. I'm not sure when it will become stable.


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in 0.472, CBR causes the first keyframe to not get sent properly, though it's fixed in the test versions.

Also, I would like people to test out the latest test build 0.48.003 and see if anything has changed in terms of the thumbnails if these things still happen. I changed the way data is transmitted to make sure audio packets are now seamless to prevent transcoding errors.
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