Bug Report Won't show stream thumbnail on Twitch

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So usually it updates about once every 5 minutes? Hmm, can anyone else verify if "Allow negative CTS" fixes the issue for them?

That really shouldn't fix the problem. Totally baffling.


Well I'm at 1:32 now, and it continues to update. So it's working.

*update* streamed for around 3 hours and the thumbnail always updated.


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Might be it then. Try it with the option off as well and compare, just to be sure. Sorry about all the testing and all that. However I really appreciate it. Just note if you use the option, twitch's "upload to youtube" thing will probably break.


OK, with "Allow negative CTS" off I am still getting thumbnail updates. Any ideas? only 40 minutes in but it's working so far.


I streamed with .461 for about four hours with allow CTS negative enabled and got constant thumbnail updates. None of the thumbnails stuck. I haven't tried it with it disabled though, so I'm unsure if that was what fixed it though.

I would also like to point out this version has much smoother network throughput, almost all the spikes are gone which means I can raise my bitrate without it affecting my gameplay. I'm actually about 1Mbps under my cap right now because that's how big some of the spikes were. I'll have to keep monitoring bandwidth usage before I raise them though.

Another side note, it didn't randomly disconnect tonight and reconnect 3-3:30h into my broadcast. It streamed perfectly up till I disconnected, as far as I know.


Just a quick note: broadcasting with "allow negative CTS" will break several features on Twitch. Negative CTS values are invalid in the FLV spec, and Jim is working on getting them sorted out. I do not currently believe that the code to assure there are not CTS values is breaking thumbnailing, however, no one here (at Twitch) has time to give it a good look. There is work underway to rewrite how we do thumbnailing, which may just fix the problem without any more effort on the OBS side. That code should hit production sometime next month. Until then, please keep in mind that you should expect some features on the site to sometimes break (e.g., export to youtube) if you are using the "allow negative CTS" option.


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Hey Pugget, I actually only added it in for testing purposes as an experiment just for this version. Trust me, it's honestly not intended to be a serious feature, just merely an experiment (I didn't even make a locale for it, just hard coded the text temporarily). I am definitely not intending to use it at all. Just so you know, I'm not particularly blaming the CTS itself, I was actually thinking that it was maybe something else related to the way I was adjusting the audio timestamps (even though I suppose audio shouldn't have anything to do with it). I admit I'm pretty baffled.

Anyway, people kept telling me specifically that my app was to blame and that they didn't get it in any other apps. Maybe I was taking it too much to heart, and I admit I really want to make my users happy, so I suppose I'm just trying to pinpoint exactly what's going on with frivolous experiments.

I fully admit that I am still learning much about encoding, it can't really be helped. I did not intended for my project to take off as soon as it did.

If you guys are rewriting it then I'll leave it to you guys, my apologies.


I didn't see any side effects from using negative CTS, but I don't export to youtube.

In Jims defense, this is a rather major problem for streamers even if it may seem small. People choose their streams based a lot on thumbnails. This as well as the random disconnect and reconnect after 3-3:30 was the only major flaw in OBS for me. Both were fixed and I now have no reason to even look at xsplit.

I'll try streaming tonight with negative CTS disabled and see if that's what fixed it for me.


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Sometimes some apps/decodeers allow negative CTS (flash and VLC for example), but it's definitely non-standard (and bad). ffmpeg, which is the core of many sites and many applications, will definitely break with negative CTS. As I said, it was just an experiment with the way I was sorting my packets/tags.

If they're rewriting their stuff though, then it's not too big of a concern. I'm sure they'll let me know if anything happens in the process.


Jim, just wanted to warn streamers on CTS issues, no biggie. :D Gunrun is aware of the issue and will hopefully redirect anyone who is using OBS to turn that option off if site-features break for them.

The redo of the thumbnailing has been in the works for some time now and isn't directly related to OBS, but I'm sort of hoping it takes care of the problem. As far as we are concerned, the current thumbnailer works to our specs. However, it's an ancient piece of software that long ago contracted a serious case of bit-rot.


New Member
I have been streaming for few weeks with OBS, thumbnail have never updated before, i just went with first few frames of start and was done with it, now it does, enabling CTS thing really worked


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I think the packet ordering I do may have messed with something then. I actually have a potential solution to it but it's unfortunately not easy


Yeah, I have streamed a few days with "CTS enabled" disabled, but the thumbnail sticks now. So it definitely fixed the thumbnail issue.

The supposed Twitch fix is coming up, so perhaps that'll fix it before you throw more time at it.


New Member
Jim said:
I think the packet ordering I do may have messed with something then. I actually have a potential solution to it but it's unfortunately not easy

Yea, you are better off just tinkering with other stuff, smart people can easily find a workaround and even improve their streams using this, also maybe upcoming twitch's updates/recodings gonna fix it / change everything about their thumbnailing. Its not a big deal.

*protip*Just start your stream with either scene/game/image already turned on. Use any image you want for constant thumbnail while streaming :)


New Member

OBS_0467a_test11 + live viewing the live thumbnail on an iPad. Live.


Picture thumbnails = OBS_0467a_test2. Grey thumbnails = OBS_0467a_test11.


Picture thumbnails = OBS_0467a_test2. Grey thumbnails = OBS_0467a_test11, except for the third from top thumbnail which is indeed displayed in stunning Dulux colour!

What I changed during my testing this evening is that I turned OFF all of this:
Higher Quality Resampling
Force audio to sync to video time

And changed these settings:
192kbps audio down to 160kbps.
Server from London to London Secondary.
Everything else kept as default.


OBS_0467a_test11 + when looking at the broadcaster dashboard, it will allow me to see thumbnails.

Is the iPad a special case where Twitch/OBS can cause issues?
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