Video source plugin (OBS Classic only)


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Looks like you are using Virtual Audio Cable? Can you try using "Output audio to stream" ON VPS and OBS on default audio settings (desktop/main speakers muted) and see if you can re-create?


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

That device bypasses directly to the speakers (no CPU involved, I use the 'hear this device' setting in windows audio) so it should be no difference


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

tried it on a third PC. same thing. damn!


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Lets compare versions
I'm using latest OBS 32 bits
VSP version 1.0-19-g8c37b4e-VLC20-x86


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Latest 32 and 64 bit OBS v0.592b. Latest VPS 1.0-19 both 32 and 64 bit. Ran on both bits and both do the same =[


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Alright I'm officially going to say that "Output audio to stream" causes sync issues between 5 to 10 mins after a file is playing.

I've tried it all.

I even installed Virtual Audio Cable, which DID fix the sync issue but it was a nightmare. If I switched users or if PC locked the account audio would get cut off and volume was also lower as well as having background white noise (the kind where you turn up the volume all the way on your speakers and hear a small buzz sound).

The only real fix was to output sound to desktop or HDMI line which meant that I could only do one stream at a time without being able to use my PC for other tasks because sound would feed into the stream.

I tried it on three different PC's with the same result, both on 32 and 64 bit versions of OBS and VPS.

It's a really great plugin and really wish I could continue to use it but up to 3 seconds off sync issues is just too much to deal with for my viewers. You can see it go out of sync on this channel, it's perfect sync for the first 5 to 10 mins and then off sync by itself.

I'd still like to see the following features being implemented if I find another way to fix the sync issues
- Title/Timer on screen abilities
- Being able to skip to another file on playlist (especially those of us with large playlists)
- Forward/back/play/pause abilities

Thank you and Happy New Year everyone!


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC


Have you tried BVCable? Have been casting House MD for 6 hours straight and not a single out of sync in terms of audio.


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

lm0 said:
Alright I'm officially going to say that "Output audio to stream" causes sync issues between 5 to 10 mins after a file is playing.
I've tried it all.

I would not say this is general because as you alread saw, I had no problems in my tests

It would be nice if Faruton has something to comment, but I couldn't get him to take a look at this, he's too busy atm :(


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

enjoi4853 said:

Have you tried BVCable? Have been casting House MD for 6 hours straight and not a single out of sync in terms of audio.

VBCable only allows one to two virtual cables, as I stated I would need at least five or more. And it does seem to be ONE way to fix the issue.

And yes, ColterTV, I saw you didnt' have the same issue but you also used a virtual cable which is a way to avoid the audio sync issues so I still believe that this issue isn't isolated since I have been able to replicate in multiple PC's.


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Amazing plugin.

We are capturing a rtsp stream from a foscam camera and broadcasting perfectly.
We have auto reconnect enabled and timeout of 10 seconds.

We are testing scenarios and rebooted the IP camera to test if the camera would
come back and start streaming again.

It looks like OSB stayed connected to youtube and streamed a black screen. We
had to stop and start OSB to get the stream back from
the camera RTSP. Is there a way to have it start the RTSP session again or should it and
we have something wrong.

Thanks You all!



New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

very nice pulg-in :D

could you please add a feature to make the video stop at the end and the last scene from the video will still be displayed ?



New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone else was having an issue with getting Video Source to be available on the Add menu in OBS, I have the right version downloaded and placed in the right folder.

I had it working a few versions ago, then an update happened and I cant get it to work again, Ive tried reinstalling each plugin (Adding CLR host and then VSP to see if it was a conflicting plugin).



New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

I'm using this atm, thanks for this, it works great for me with the latest OBS version.


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Thank you so much for this!

If you could add a shuffle feature, this would be the greatest plugin ever!

Been testing on 0.592b and 0.60b9 32 and 64 bit in tandem with VAC with no issues


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC


i have a little problem. The Plugin works but the music is very laggy.

Any idea whats wrong?

OBS x64, latest Plugin-Version



New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Lenwe said:
I tried your OBS and nginx parameters, unfortunately it still doesn't work in OBS video plugin and now it's even worse in Flowplayer (very low FPS). The URL of my stream is rtmp://

I restored the default settings in OBS. In VLC (latest version), the video still starts after 10s and freezes every 2-3 seconds for 5 seconds. In FlowPlayer, the video runs perfectly and has only 2-3 seconds latency.

Is RTMP playback still working with the latest version of Video source plugin ? I'm using version 1.0-19.g9c37b4e-VLC20-x86 in OBS v0.591b . I couldn't make any another RTMP stream to work using the plugin.

The workaround is to use screencapture + FlowPlayer but the video plugin is much more convenient to use...
I haven't tried flowplayer, because capturing that defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to reduce doing (capturing other flash streams). However I'm experiencing the exact same issues.

I'm streaming from Computer A to Computer B. Computer B runs my configured nginx-rtmp server. It's picking up the stream just fine, as I can see the bandwidth coming in and also play back the rtmp stream using VLC on Computer A.

Unfortunately I can't add the RTMP stream from Computer B back into OBS on Computer A. I realize this would create an endless loop effect, but I'm just doing it for testing purposes at the moment. Eventually I want to have a couple of other people stream to my rtmp server via the Internet. Then I want to capture their rtmp streams in OBS and re-broadcast them via OBS to Twitch along with everything else I may have in OBS.

I haven't tried getting someone else to stream to my rtmp box and then add that with the video plugin, but it hasn't worked locally so I'm not hopeful. Are there any dependencies I need installed to get the video plugin to accept rtmp streams?


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Hi nice plugin but one thing that doesn't work flawless is the loop. There is a pause in between loops and sometimes a blackscreen appears for maybe a few milliseconds but it's noticeable and it breaks the loop. If there is any way to fix this issue please tell me how.


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Cortexian said:
Lenwe said:
In VLC (latest version), the video still starts after 10s and freezes every 2-3 seconds for 5 seconds. In FlowPlayer, the video runs perfectly and has only 2-3 seconds latency.

The workaround is to use screencapture + FlowPlayer...

I'm streaming from Computer A to Computer B. Computer B runs my configured nginx-rtmp server.
Eventually I want to have a couple of other people stream to my rtmp server via the Internet. Then I want to capture their rtmp streams in OBS and re-broadcast them via OBS to Twitch along with everything else I may have in OBS.

I'm trying to achieve the same thing - have multiple OBS clients streaming to a central nginx-rtmp server, then combine those multiple rtmp streams into a single composite OBS scene for recording/re-streaming.

I get the same terrible performance with RTMP playback in VLC (stalls every couple of seconds), but the streams work fine in jwplayer (flash, web-based) and SMPlayer (mplayer-based app.) (Although the gamma looks wrong in SMPlayer... not sure what's going on there.)

And when I enter an rtmp:// URL into the OBS video source plugin, it never seems to play - just get a black screen. (I haven't yet done any traffic analysis to determine if it's even connecting to the stream.)

So I've been doing a window capture of SMPlayer. Agreed that it would be much nicer to just use an OBS video capture instead of window capture, especially if the buffers can be adjusted to reduce latency.