Video source plugin (OBS Classic only)


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

replacing rtmp by rtsp doesn't fix the problem and as well when adding the @
VLC plays the stream but it's very laggy while it plays perfectly on FlowPlayer.
The workaround is to use screen capture + flowplayer or the browser plugin (not tested yet)

If some people here attempted to make it work (nginx-rtmp server) can you post your ngninx config file and the parameters you used in OBS please ? I'm using the latest versions of the plugin and of OBS.


The Helping Squad
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Guess its best to answer you here instead of on youtube ;)

rtmp {
	server {
		listen 1935;
		chunk_size 8192;

		application live1 {
			allow publish;
			deny publish all;
			allow play;
			deny play all;
			live on;
			meta copy;
This is my current standard application, it only allows input and playback from my local network so you might wanna change the allow directives.
In OBS I currently use the settings for high quality local recordings:

It can be a bit of a pain to get the video source plugin to playback rtmp streams perfectly, as I also always had problems doing this in the normal VLC player. VLC just seems not the best when it comes to rtmp streams, but I wanted to showcase that its possible, and in the future might also work better with vlc, in the youtube video.


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Hi, another question about rtmp playback, maybe it's been noted before...

It actually works fine, mostly. An issue seems to be popping up after a while (30 minutes or so?) where the video somehow halts for a few seconds, then resumes again for a few seconds, then halts again, etc. Only when I refresh my source by selecting properties and clicking a checkbox on/off and click ok again, the video source rtmp stream resumes like normal.

(I'm using Global Source, so that I don't have any black screens when I switch scenes because of buffering. Obviously, if you have the sources added the scenes normally, you probably won't have this problem, because it stops/starts everytime you switch scene.)

One pc streams 720p 60fps 3800 bitrate to -> A local nginx-rtmp as a source server -> Different PC with OBS picks up 2 streams (currently only 1 active) -> restreams as 720p 30fps 1800 bitrate to Twitch.

I can't attach OBS log because of some SPDY error in chrome? ->

my nginx-rtmp is simply setup like this:

rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
chunk_size 4096;

application ch1 {
live on;
record off;
application ch2 {
live on;
record off;
application ch3 {
live on;
record off;

Perhaps related question, I've had issues (not the same) with trying loading the rtmp streams into VMIX as well. They halted after a few seconds completely, to which I found I had to set the internal play buffer to 0 in VMIX in order to get the stream to work. Is there a way I can set the internal buffer of the Video Source Plugin via some configuration, or do I have to start digging into the sourcecode (any hint as to where I can find it, I haven't started to look for it yet though).

I customly built the Video Source Plugin from source btw in VS2010, I'm not sure why anymore, maybe that's also causing an issue?


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Jack0r said:
Guess its best to answer you here instead of on youtube ;)

Thanks :)

I tried your OBS and nginx parameters, unfortunately it still doesn't work in OBS video plugin and now it's even worse in Flowplayer (very low FPS). The URL of my stream is rtmp://

I restored the default settings in OBS. In VLC (latest version), the video still starts after 10s and freezes every 2-3 seconds for 5 seconds. In FlowPlayer, the video runs perfectly and has only 2-3 seconds latency.

Is RTMP playback still working with the latest version of Video source plugin ? I'm using version 1.0-19.g9c37b4e-VLC20-x86 in OBS v0.591b . I couldn't make any another RTMP stream to work using the plugin.

The workaround is to use screencapture + FlowPlayer but the video plugin is much more convenient to use...


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Not sure if related to Lenwe's issue, but I seem to have "solved" my issue of freezes with rtmp source by setting the network- and live-buffer to 0 in VLC itself. Running a stream for 1hr15min and so far no issues...


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

I must say thank you SO very much for this plugin. It is near perfect, just some slight adjustments.

Here are some features many of us would like to see
- Title/Timer on screen abilities
- Being able to skip to another file on playlist (especially those of us with large playlists)
- Forward/back/play/pause abilities

On another note, I have a slight annoying bug to report. After 5-10 minutes all my avi files go out of sync, where audio is ahead of video by .5 to 3 seconds at a time. I have tried to tweak MANY times and MANY settings on OBS without luck. Here are my settings if needed: 800kbps, CBR/CBR Padding enabled, mp3 128kpbs 44.1khz, video at 840 x 480 in/out, audio defaults, advanced settings: multithreaded optimazations, 400 scene buffering, x264 profile main, x264 cpu veryfast, cfr enabled.

Any help would be HIGHLY appreciated!


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Does it happen with different video files?
Do you have other sources in the same scene? If so, which ones?


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

It happens with all my .avi files. New and old avi files.
Most of them are 20 to 40 minutes long and all of them go out of sync after 5 to 10 mins.

I was able to replicate the issue on two different i7 PC's.


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

What about other sources in the scene?

Maybe you can upload one of the avis somewhere so we try it? So we can know if theres a problem with that file or your config


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

I had two sources, a PNG image (logo) and the video source plugin.

I removed the logo and the out of sync issue still occurred. the avi is a bit large for me to upload somewhere but I'll try.


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

I'll try it as soon as I get home (about ~4 hours) and let you know if it happens to me as well :)


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Thank you ColterTV. I look forward to your results.

Btw, on Video Source Plugin I am doing "output audio to stream" when I change that to desktop or my HDMI line sync is perfect but I can't use this option because if I run more than one stream or listen to something else on the background it feeds into the stream.

I am broadcasting to jtv/twitch. So it seems "output audio to stream" causes sync issues after 5-10 mins. *sigh*


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

So if I got it right, you output the plugin's audio directly to stream and disable your desktop audio in OBS so you can continue using the computer audio for other tasks?

If outputting to desktop fixes the sync problem, you could use a virtual device as output device for the stream, maybe?
Virtual Audio Cable (paid) or VB Cable (free) ?


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Yes i have "output audio to stream" enabled on VSP with desktop audio disabled, when I change that audio output to Desktop or my HDMI line sync is fine. But I can't use this option since I run multiple channels and also need my desktop's audio for other tasks.

I could use a virtual audio cable or VB cable but that only gives me one output line, i need five or more XD.


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

I don't know about VBCable, but Virtual Audio Cable lets you create a lot of lines :)

Anyway, will try the video in my own setup and I'll let you know if I manage to reproduce your issue here


Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Just tried and doesn't seem to go out of sync, but I was not doing multiple streams as you mentioned you do. Maybe thats the reason? CPU usage isn't peaking while doing multiple streams? May be the cause.

My test using output to stream and a virtual device

Also, you may want to avoid streaming non gaming content to Twitch as they don't allow it, I did it on a test channel but be careful :)


New Member
Re: Video source plugin (1.0-19 2013/8/28) (Need testers VLC

Yeah i see, what settings are you using on OBS.

I have been testing with only one OBS instance on a separate i7 machine since I noticed the sync issues on all my streams, it continues to happen unless I output to my HDMI line or desktop as I've noted.