Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


Has anyone ever got the steam part of this plugin to work? If so could you post how to do it?

I created a second steam account, added my main account as a friend. I then log into ubiquitous2 with the second account. AND......nothing. All it ever does is ask for a the authentication every single time I use Ubiquitous 2, other than that it doesn't do anything.


New Member
Has anyone ever got the steam part of this plugin to work? If so could you post how to do it?

I created a second steam account, added my main account as a friend. I then log into ubiquitous2 with the second account. AND......nothing. All it ever does is ask for a the authentication every single time I use Ubiquitous 2, other than that it doesn't do anything.

Now that you are asking I can confirm it also stopped working for me!
It worked fine some weeks ago.

I also think that twitch falsely thinks that ubiquitous-2 might be hacking the account.


New Member
For all you CSS code masters out there i have a question that maybe you can help with. i use this bot as a way to track chat and since the OBS plugin won't work for me i have given up on the thought of using it. I am now trying to figure out if it would be possible to take the image of chat that it can make or the url of the local web browser chat and have it display that on my stream and then have it fade out after X amount of time? I know nothing of how to code in css or html or anything so if what i am wanting to do it possible please tell/guide me on how to do this :) thanks


Oh, sorry guys. I didn't receive reply notification from the obsproject.com.
@Dreadmyst, you can try use CLRBrowser plugin for that. Its possible to implement fadin too. Though I need to move web folder to the Documents first. So you will be able to make custom web themes. With transparent background, fadin etc...


@LtStan, Twitch changed their authentication url, so old version won't work anyway. I'll try to change my password and give you to know if it work


@LtStan, just tried to reset my password and it works. Status is green and I can send messages.
When you talk about yellow status, do you mean color of the twitch counter or backround of topic in the dashboard ?


Twitch status update is fixed. There was caching problem.

I've moved web folder to the Documents\Ubiquitous2\Web. So now its possible to make custom web themes.
Create any subfolder in Documents\Ubiquitous\Web and put your index.html and css there.
Now you can access it via http://localhost:8080/yoursubfolder/

Please don't change content of default files in the web\ They are refreshing every time you launch the app.


New Member
@LtStan, just tried to reset my password and it works. Status is green and I can send messages.
When you talk about yellow status, do you mean color of the twitch counter or backround of topic in the dashboard ?

I changed my password to twitch and entered the new password into Ubiquitous2, since then I get only read access to my twitch channel.
So the when talking about yellow I mean the twitch counte, the dashboard twitch menu stays disapeard as Ubiquitous2 is not connecting to twitch.

When using the setup.exe it is always downloading the latest version?

Where do I find the installation folder?

I have removed Ubiquitous2 with ccleaner and have reinstalled it.
Ok got it again running ( Twitch seemed to be the capital letters in the username!)

Now only thing not working as intended is the "Steam text bot", not sending me the chat messages.
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No it doesn't download it every time. There was two updates yesterday.
Steam is on the list. They changed protocol completely so I need to write it from scratch now.


  • viewer counters options (embed in main window, hide floating window)
  • clearing chat messages in GUI now clears Web UI too
  • few minor fixes


I use to be able to not display the channel name in the main chat and on screen chat but still display the channel name in the WebChat (mini webserver chat). Now the WebChat takes on the same properties as the on screen chat. Is there any way to change this back? I like not having to display the Channel name on my on screen chat but still be able to see the Channel names on the WebChat which is what I use to view the chat myself. That way I know where people are chatting from but doesn't take up extra space on screen. Still really loving the updates, keep them coming man ;c)


Yes there is a way to prevent that behavior.
  • create additional folder in the Documents\ubiquitous2\web\ (e.g. Documents\ubiquitous\web\my)
  • copy content of the \web folder to the folder you just created
  • comment out these lines in Documents\ubiquitous2\web\my\js\ubiquitous.js:



Yes you need to copy paste that last part of the URL.
I just tried it with two random channels and it works.

There only two prerequisites: channel must be online and channel name is case sensitive.


New Member
I tried it: I entered UCj66BxZ83XCJ40gLh4B8Czg into Channels and started the stream and also restarted Ubiquitous again but the counter remained red...