Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


Hey Codex,
I cant remember if i asked, is it possible that you can make "stream labels" so i can get follower/sub/donation in a text file?

and do you have a ToDo list that i can have a look at ? :)

Regards, Makkan.


On my end it work. Please try to refresh your token:
- fill channel name only and leave credentials empty;
- click restart
- fill credentials
- click restart again


Hi, I've been trying out this amazing piece of software and it pretty much fits all my needs :) There's just one thing I can't seem to figure out though: a few pages back it's mentioned that when customizing 'templates', a copy of the Web folder should be inside the Web folder (in My Documents) with its own specific name and then the URL would be localhost:8080/nameoffolder. But this doesn't work for me? I have copied Web, placed the copied folder inside Web, made changes to the .css and .js files in the new folder but it still only grabs the files from the selected Theme (localhost:8080/css)... It just doesn't read my customized files. When I add a forward slash it tries to grab the files in that directory but console returns a lot of errors ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" for every javascript file that it's trying to load). What am I doing wrong @codex ?

I think I've figured it out... The structure should be like this apparently: Documents/Ubiquitous2/Web/copyofweb/copyofweb.html

Also, is there a reason why no mod/broadcaster/sub icons are shown on localhost? In Ubiquitous 2 itself I see mod icons but no broadcaster icons. Aaand is there a way to show usernames in their own colors instead of all the same color?
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Please try to use url with a slash on the end: localhost:8080/nameoffolder/
I'll fix it in next release.

Errors are coming from script/html errors. If you need I can help you to get rid of them if you give me your custom theme. Though it could happen if web server return wrong content type... need to check it

User badges and colors aren't shown because I didn't implement that in the web yet.
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Thanks for your reply :) Yes, the forward slash helped along with renaming the index.html file to the same name the folder has.

As for the errors, it always shows it for scroller.js (even with the default theme).


Oh, you can safely remove a line with scroller.js from the index.html. It was added for testing purposes only...


Could you please check windows firewall rules for ubiquitous2.exe ? If it there just delete it. It could happen that you accidentally hit deny in network access dialog.
Hello, the auto update seems to fail.
Says "Unable to retrieve application files. Files Corrupt in deployment"

There is a long "Details" log, don't know if i should post it here?

Update: I clicked "skip" it works but now when i launch it, it doesn't ask a confirmation to update.


Should be fixed now.

- Twitch /clear and /ban commands now clear chat in gui and web
- Font size in the web is binded to the GUI now
- Goodgame, hitbox topic change fixes


- readonly support for Ustream.tv + emoticons. Viewers counters aren't implemented yet.
Hello there, hmm i don't know what changed but now every time i get a message the chat window flickers in OBS, i use the plugin.
It started after this latest update. tried to tinker with opacity controls and nothing. It blinks into invisibility when message is sent to it, then appears and fades out as intended.

Update: It also flickers when OBS is running on preview and the plugin is captured there and you are trying to change setting in the chat program, it keeps flickering when moving mouse over setting in options.

P.S Could it be the music ticker option? i used to have it on 0 and switched it a few times up and down..now it is on 0 but still flickering.
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Weird, I'll check it. Switching a theme doesn't help ? You can roll back to previous version via Programs/features in control panel.
Tried reinstalling the plugin, switched themes, restarted, it happens only when using plugin, even when hovering over the setting window it flickers. Every time there is some kind of action related to it the plugin window flickers in OBS.

Tried with and without fade out, with and without slide in or slide out...nothing helps..
When it slides in, it flickers out, when the message is in the window it appears again on stream.

Update: rolling back didn't help and reinstalling it didn't help, Maybe i need to delete all the tracers as well because it has my credentials and all websites i use..

Welp nothing helps...keeps flickering when like i said setting is hovered over or receiving messages.

Even tried installing it on OBS 32 bit, i mean the plugin and still same issue.

Update: I don't know why but after i ticked "reply box visible" a few times it got fixed. Even though i never unchecked it.
Now gotta redo all credentials.. :(

Update: And broken again...but ticking it off and on fix it for a brief moment..

P.S also noticed that Streamup is still red even though website chat works i guess it is still from that time..
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New Member

I've been using ubiqutious2 for a while and love it, but since the recent update I'm having some issues.

I was using localhost:8080 for my chat, and this now works when first launched, and shows a message or 2, then stops and disappears.

The only way to get it back is to click in on and off on OBS.

64bit obs, updated.
CLR Browser, 64 bit, updated.

Checking my browser at localhost:8080 works, it's just not working on OBS.

I tried to use the plugin when I first installed ubiqutious and the plugin broke CLR.

PS: Thanks for a really good chat tool. Really like it. :D


- OBS plugin flickering fixed;
- Streamup fixed (after changes on their website);
- Web UI fixed.


Could you please check windows firewall rules for ubiquitous2.exe ? If it there just delete it. It could happen that you accidentally hit deny in network access dialog.
Everything ubiquitous2 related is allowed to go through my firewall.