New Member
are you able to upload your own .ogg's with chrome?
Donation-tracker had an app update I think last month or so. If you already updated it, that might be connected to notification not showing up though i'm not sure, just guessing, I haven't had any problems yet myself.
Ah, yes worked fine in chrome for uploading both images and sounds, thanks for the suggestion.are you able to upload your own .ogg's with chrome?
I was thinking since there was a recent update to donation-tracker perhaps that is why it isn't working for you...though i've updated and it appears to be working for myself. you are using nightdev's clr browser? is there a chance you are using the standard clr browser and not the specific one nightdev uses?
@TurchGespielt I will look into youre problem this week or maybe even tonight.
Hello all,
Sorry have had some bad months had to stop many things I do code wise. But now decided to pick some stuff up again. And this tool has the top priority from now on again. Sorry it took a while..
So the first update from right now:
- Donations Imraising working with the new API EventListener, you have to give up the key from youre Imraising account (API changed)
- Donations has been fixed with new API
- Donations has been builded in also a...
Could you test it again? I updated the code so I think it should work now.Sounds great. :) Any news so far?
So another update, subscribers is next, but I just had read some questions from streamers on the internet asking about how they can do this. So..
I have builded TextToSpeech into the WebTool. You can enable it by going to sound menu and choose enable TTS. Then the custom text or text will be spoken out afte two seconds that the message displays. I need to build the timing in.
Kind regards,
View attachment 5057
Some updates!
Made some updates within the code to make it better. Also from now on Custom donation text is supported. Also with variables like:
Default is: {AMOUNT}{CURRENCY} Donation! - {MESSAGE}
Text-To-Speech also fixed for donation message. Working now! Like a charm.
View attachment 5097
Another thing I can now built in is a SpamFilter. When in one check of the FollowerAlerts there are more then a...
Hello HitBox users,
From today you can have an Subscriber Alert within the WebTool and give alerts for the subscribers who just got subscribed to youre HitBox channel. This is still BETA it does however work. But needs more polishing which I will do in next day or so.
View attachment 5102
Also some more tweaks comming to make things a little easier.
What to do to get this to work?
- Go to
- Login with youre twitch account.
- Go to...
HitBox Authentication is now complete with extra visible check!
You can fill in youre HitBox data within LiveView off in Followers.
View attachment 5106
Also I have made the language for Text-To-Speech changable from the LiveView mode. As for example for Followers.
View attachment 5107
Hello again!
I have made some changes within the layout of the menu and added it all to the LiveView mode. Because that works much better and faster then it was when trying to create a perfect timed alert.
So now the Buttons Sound On/Off and Text-To-Speech Enable/Disable or placed in the LiveView On menu. On same layout as the Timing and Sound volume settings.
So under LiveView On you can find:
- Sound on/off
- Sound volume
- Sound change
- Text-To-Speech on/off
- Text-To-Speech...