SMG now playing

Non-Free SMG now playing 2.22


New Member
Thanks RagingPig! Worked for me! Appreciate it!!!
I use Pandora, primarily and hate the fact that "Untamed Now Playing" is no longer working. It was perfect.
No offence to author of SMG! This tool, as well, is kewl!!! Installed and now working and part of my Stream Apps!!!

Thanks Azeirah!!!!


New Member
I'm having a problem with the program, it doesn't update when the song changes, in fact, it seems to stop interacting with vlc as soon as it gets the song name that is playing when I start smg. If I stop it and then start it again, (using the button, not restarting the whole program) it doesn't detect any song. If I restart it (the whole program, closing and starting it up again), it once again detects the song currently playing, but if it changes song (doesn't matter if I do it manually or it goes to the next song in my playlist) it doesn't update itself. Help is very much appreciated, seems to be a very useful and easy to use program.
Would it be possible to add support to the output configuration, to be able to add tags for other ID3 info? I'd like to have something $a or {$a} for "Album" or $c/{$c} for "Comment", etc. to the After portion. I think it'd be nice, especially for indie artists, to be able to mention the album and maybe have their website in the comments so it can be displayed in the stream.


New Member
Is there a known issue with Groovemarklet and Google Chrome? I am able to get the Bookmark to work in Firefox, but not in Chrome. The box does not pop up to show it is running. I tried pressing CTRL - m to make sure it is not hidden. SMG does not pick it up either. Any help would be great. thanks!
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New Member
Good, but for Foobar with skins this doesn't work, only if is without skin, so please fix this.
Also, will be good to add [Paused] [Stopped] tags. Thanks.


New Member
hey guys :D

does anyone know how or if you can use smg also for virtual dj & if yes how
cause i tried it and have no clue xD

greats dreikaelf :)


New Member
I want to use SMG now playing with Grooveshark but i can't download groovemarklet because the link is down or rederect me.

I search several time and I found a new link in your video commentaries. It will be nice to update it here.

But now, I have a problem, when I click on Groovemarklet, nothing happen on Chrome and Firefox.

I see in your video tutorial than a popum should appear but not in my case.
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New Member
Seems to work great.
Don't know how to change my output configuration, like $Title $Author
Also, only seems to pull the song name from soundcloud, and not the soundcloud author.


Forum Admin
The latest version has been really glitchy for me for a while now. It'll update the song when the program first launches, and then never again :\

Using it with VLC

Edit: Just tried MusicBee, gives me a blank output on load, and then same issue as VLC of 'No Song Playing' if I stop/start it

Anyone else have this problem?
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Hi all. Sorry for all the problems with the newest version of SMG.

This started out as a little script I used to a project that was way beyond my scope. I set-up the project in such a way that it became nearly unmaintainable, as it required constant updating to keep up with more and more music players.

I tried keeping up with the increasing demands of users, but it simply grew too large, and as I slowly abandoned SMG more, it became a big mess of unfixed bugs, unsupported players and unmaintainable code.

As a result, I don't want to work on this anymore, and as you know, I haven't worked on this for a while. I will be thinking of alternative solutions to the problem of sharing your music with your viewers. If anyone has an idea, feel free to discuss them with me @

From now on, SMG is considered unmaintained.

For anyone who were ending up at the wrong pages for the groovemarklet, the newest version is obtainable right here


New Member
works good, only 1problem found:
when playlist ends, I need to restart the whole program (only SMG, ot OBS) else it will be stuck on the previous song

(lets say last in playlist was 'Obsidia - Evolution', playlsit ends, I start another playlist that starts with 'S3rl - pika girl' then it will still display 'Obsidia - Evolution')


New Member
It would be nice if SMG worked with Nightbot song system, so that I can use SMG as a all-in-one for music display rather than having to download the same thing just for Nightbot :)


New Member
seems like I can't get SMG to catch the music I am listening to on
and I have opened it in a tab and then pressed the Groovemarklet bookmark, but
nothing happens. Works perfectly fine with Youtube open and selected.


New Member
Doesn't appear to work on Soundcloud for me. Odd because it was working before.
Anyone else keeping the program up to date?


can anyone help with this error i get this on a friends newly installed windows for some reason


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New Member
Foobar2000 and SMG only get along in specific circumstances. I found that if I use the Default UI, everything seems to be fine. However, most foobar users use Columns UI and SMG does not function with Columns UI. This thread also mentions that skinned versions of foobar mess SMG up.

Thanks for your work on this! I love the program, I hope these issues can be fixed :)