PS4 1080p 60fps MASSIVE FROM DROPS. Video looks frozen sometimes.


New Member
I recorded a Last of Us 2 video earlier and after recording, I was very disappointed to find out how much stuttering there was in the video to the point that it looks frozen. The audio sounds fine though. I think this is because I tried recording at CBR 75000 bitrate. Is that too much? I usually record with
VBR 40000-60000 bitrate at Max quality and the recorded footage looks fine but has occasional stutters (I really don't know why but it's tolerable.) Please check my log file for details.

Ryzen 5 2400g
RTX 2060 Super
16GB 2666mhz ram


  • 2020-08-01 02-17-00.txt
    26.2 KB · Views: 43


Active Member
1. The encoder is skipping frames because of CPU overload. This may be caused by the two instances of OBS that are running. If you are not intentionally running two instances, they will likely interfere with each other and consume excessive resources. Stop one of them. Check Task Manager for stray OBS processes if you can't find the other one. If still having issues then read about General Performance and Encoding Issues.
2. Record to FLV or MKV. If you record to MP4 or MOV and the recording is interrupted, the file will be corrupted and unrecoverable.

If you require MP4 files for some other purpose like editing, remux them afterwards by selecting File > Remux Recordings in the main OBS Studio window or enable auto remux from Advanced settings.


New Member
So does that mean I should stop recording with two instances of OBS? I do it so that I can have more freedom when editing the game and face footage later. Will sticking to one OBS session help?


Active Member
Yes. You can set OBS to record using different settings for recording. Your card supports 3 concurrent sessions so you can stream and record using NVENC or use x264 for recording.