Active Member
Don't know then.its is all set to 48000
Do you have it set to Advanced?unfortunately there is no option in my programm.
Don't know then.its is all set to 48000
Do you have it set to Advanced?unfortunately there is no option in my programm.
Jack0r submitted a new resource:
OBS-Studio: Send an UDP Stream to a second PC using OBS - The custom ffmpeg output allows us to use different output protocols, here is one example.
Read more about this resource...
2 reasons I can think of:
1 - RTMP has some overhead being a protocol which is a superset of UDP. IE, it has more stuff in the UDP datagram packets so you get less frames of video/audio per burst. As such, frame losses due to dropped UDP packets via RTMP are more drastic and will cause higher corruption of the stream.
2 - You don't need a server to broadcast UDP. The tutorial SHOULD have walked you through a process of setting up an output to a UDP multicast IP (i.e., udp:// This special subnet is capable of being sent and received on a local network. For RTMP, you need something to wrap the UDP packets with the RTMP protocol for proper slicing due to how RTMP allows seeking of previous uncached data.
Feel free to ask more questions, but I might be slow-replying.
I just actually read thoroughly, and he's technically doing it wrong by pointing to his own IP (or really any Class-C subnet). This sets up a SINGLE cast on UDP, which while it WILL work, will not allow multiple clients to connect to the stream.
Instead, use an IP on the multicast subnet:
I showed an example above.
Then when listening on other clients (i.e., vlc) use udp://@ (or whichever ip you choose).
A specific subset of IPv4 IPs are considered "multicast". 192.168.*.* is not among them, that's unicast. So that will work for sending a stream point to point, but it won't work to send to multiple devices.
The multicast range is from to But generally speaking, you should stick to 239.*.*.* because the others can be reserved for other things. For example, the IP you chose isn't routable outside the network it resides on. More info:
TL;DR: To minimize the risk of problems, stick to 239.*.*.* IPs for multicast, unless you really know what you're doing.
P.s. If you already knew all this, and nothing in 239. /8 works either, then I'd guess you need to enable multicast on your switch.
We really have nothing to go on to answer your questions, compounded by it not even being an OBS problem, but a VLC problem or network problem, apparently.
Which PC generates the stream, and how is it doing it? Unicast or multicast? Via OBS? Where's the logs? Can VLC play back the stream on the same PC it is being created on?
Which other PCs on your network can play back the stream? How are they getting it, unicast or multicast, or via OBS?
Are you sure the stream is even getting to the PC that can't play it back? How are you sure?
First of all Thx for that How to over here.
I have a might stupid question. What do i have to use for an ip adress if i want to send the signal from computer a to b via The Internet ?
What do i need for that ? Upload downstream etc. Thx for your help :)
Probably just the remote computer's IP address and bandwidth plus some margin that exceeds the agggregate bitrate of the streams that you're sending.