Question / Help OBS Game Capture stuttering and rubber band. Low CPU usage, no dropped frames.


New Member
Here is a new log of mine from today.

Okay so i will say the basic things before anyone else does.

Try to
- Run OBS in administrator mode
- Disable Norton
- Open only OBS and your game. Make sure that you don't have browsers or other programs open that would use your GPU.
- Try to increase OBS priority from Task Manager.

I have tried all that, but the problem stays.


Active Member
12:28:28.201: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 17134 (revision: 590; 64-bit)
12:28:28.201: Running as administrator: false
12:28:28.201: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
12:28:28.201: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
12:28:28.201: Game Bar: Off
12:28:28.201: Game DVR: Off
12:28:28.201: Game DVR Background Recording: Off

Windows is out of date and game mode is on by default and cannot be deactivated except by registry editing-- which it does not appear you have done since when OBS detects it, it enters it into the log here. Game Mode is separate from Game Bar and Game DVR, which are different but related features.

The link in the signature below includes instructions on disabling game mode. If you do not want to edit your registry, you can run the October 2018 windows update and that will enable a toggle for you to switch off game mode.

Game mode tells Windows to devote GPU resources to a single application; this causes OBS to receive less GPU time than it needs and results in rendering lag. It does not appear that you are experiencing this problem, but others have reported improved performance after deactivating game mode even if rendering lag did not appear in their logs.


New Member
Edit: The stuttering is actually still pretty bad. I've also disabled game mode, I've tried just about every fix on this thread and I haven't seen an improvement

The problem still persists even when using the (New) Nvenc Encoding as well as x264 and old Nvenc


New Member
Disabling the Windows 10 Gaming Features worked! I was about to comment saying I had the same issue, and I've been using OBS for nearly 2 years.


New Member
I'll post one of my logs tomorrow when I'm on. I know I've triple checked and game mode is definitely off. And I have windows 1809 October update.

Also, Not sure if your talking about other gaming features windows may have enabled adam?


New Member
Please post a logfile.
20:10:19.481: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
20:10:19.481: CPU Speed: 3696MHz
20:10:19.481: Physical Cores: 6, Logical Cores: 12
20:10:19.481: Physical Memory: 16317MB Total, 10048MB Free
20:10:19.481: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 17763 (revision: 316; 64-bit)
20:10:19.481: Running as administrator: false
20:10:19.481: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
20:10:19.481: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
20:10:19.481: Game Bar: Off
20:10:19.481: Game DVR: Off
20:10:19.481: Game DVR Background Recording: Off
20:10:19.481: Game Mode: Off
20:10:19.483: Sec. Software Status:
20:10:19.484: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (AV)
20:10:19.484: Kaspersky Internet Security: temporarily disabled (AV)
20:10:19.484: Kaspersky Internet Security: temporarily disabled (FW)
20:10:19.484: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
20:10:19.485: Kaspersky Internet Security: temporarily disabled (ASW)
20:10:19.485: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (ASW)
20:10:19.486: Current Date/Time: 2019-02-19, 20:10:19
20:10:19.486: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
20:10:19.486: Portable mode: false
20:10:20.176: OBS 23.0.0-rc2 (64-bit, windows)
20:10:20.176: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.189: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.189: audio settings reset:
20:10:20.189: samples per sec: 44100
20:10:20.189: speakers: 2
20:10:20.192: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.192: Initializing D3D11...
20:10:20.192: Available Video Adapters:
20:10:20.193: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
20:10:20.193: Dedicated VRAM: 4104126464
20:10:20.193: Shared VRAM: 4260323328
20:10:20.193: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
20:10:20.195: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 (0)
20:10:20.230: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
20:10:20.761: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.761: video settings reset:
20:10:20.761: base resolution: 1920x1080
20:10:20.761: output resolution: 1280x720
20:10:20.761: downscale filter: Lanczos
20:10:20.761: fps: 60/1
20:10:20.761: format: NV12
20:10:20.761: YUV mode: 601/Partial
20:10:20.761: NV12 texture support enabled
20:10:20.763: Audio monitoring device:
20:10:20.763: name: Default
20:10:20.763: id: default
20:10:20.764: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.770: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
20:10:20.773: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
20:10:20.800: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
20:10:20.800: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
20:10:20.846: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
20:10:20.860: [obs-browser]: Version 2.2.0
20:10:20.881: NVENC supported
20:10:20.918: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
20:10:20.921: No blackmagic support
20:10:20.929: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.929: Loaded Modules:
20:10:20.929: win-wasapi.dll
20:10:20.929: win-mf.dll
20:10:20.929: win-dshow.dll
20:10:20.929: win-decklink.dll
20:10:20.929: win-capture.dll
20:10:20.929: vlc-video.dll
20:10:20.929: text-freetype2.dll
20:10:20.930: rtmp-services.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-x264.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-vst.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-transitions.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-text.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-qsv11.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-outputs.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-filters.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-ffmpeg.dll
20:10:20.930: obs-browser.dll
20:10:20.930: image-source.dll
20:10:20.930: frontend-tools.dll
20:10:20.930: enc-amf.dll
20:10:20.930: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
20:10:20.930: coreaudio-encoder.dll
20:10:20.930: ---------------------------------
20:10:20.930: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
20:10:20.940: All scene data cleared
20:10:20.940: ------------------------------------------------
20:10:20.946: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Headphones (2- UE9000 Stereo)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
20:10:20.946: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{e78f8ff2-8f0c-491a-8f66-850e016bed87}' not found. Waiting for device
20:10:21.153: adding 92 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 92 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
20:10:21.189: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)' initialized
20:10:21.191: [window-capture: 'Heartrate'] update settings:
20:10:21.191: executable: Cardia.exe
20:10:21.192: [window-capture: 'Twitch'] update settings:
20:10:21.192: executable: firefox.exe
20:10:21.192: [window-capture: 'Window Capture 2'] update settings:
20:10:21.192: executable: firefox.exe
20:10:21.199: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 116 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
20:10:21.231: [Media Source 'Facecam anim']: settings:
20:10:21.231: input: D:/Stream/Massive
20:10:21.231: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.231: speed: 100
20:10:21.231: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.231: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.231: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.231: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.231: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.232: [Media Source 'Star background']: settings:
20:10:21.232: input: D:/Stream/bg/test.mkv
20:10:21.232: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.232: speed: 100
20:10:21.232: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.232: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.232: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.232: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.232: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.254: [window-capture: 'Monkey island'] update settings:
20:10:21.254: executable: snes9x-x64.exe
20:10:21.254: [Media Source 'Elevator music']: settings:
20:10:21.254: input: D:/Stream/elevatormusic.mp3
20:10:21.254: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.254: speed: 100
20:10:21.254: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.254: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.254: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.254: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.254: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.254: [Media Source 'Nes video']: settings:
20:10:21.254: input: D:/Stream/twitch_gamechange.mp4
20:10:21.254: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.254: speed: 100
20:10:21.254: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.254: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.254: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.254: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.254: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.255: [Media Source 'Food video']: settings:
20:10:21.255: input: D:/Stream/cooking.mp4
20:10:21.255: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.255: speed: 100
20:10:21.255: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.255: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.255: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.255: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.255: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.256: [Media Source 'Relaxvideo']: settings:
20:10:21.256: input: D:/Stream/relaxing.mp4
20:10:21.256: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.256: speed: 100
20:10:21.256: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.256: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.256: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.256: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.256: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.259: warning: Could not update timestamps for skipped samples.
20:10:21.278: [Media Source 'Snow fall']: settings:
20:10:21.278: input: D:/Stream/snowA.flv
20:10:21.278: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.278: speed: 107
20:10:21.278: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.278: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.278: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.278: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.278: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.278: C920: data.GetDevice failed
20:10:21.278: C920: Video configuration failed
20:10:21.279: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
20:10:21.279: input: D:/Stream/snowb.flv
20:10:21.279: input_format: (null)
20:10:21.279: speed: 100
20:10:21.279: is_looping: yes
20:10:21.279: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:10:21.279: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:10:21.279: restart_on_activate: yes
20:10:21.279: close_when_inactive: no
20:10:21.618: [window-capture: '3D Pinball'] update settings:
20:10:21.618: executable: pinball.exe
20:10:21.721: [window-capture: 'te'] update settings:
20:10:21.721: executable: mpc-hc64.exe
20:10:21.728: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
20:10:21.734: Failed to open file '/Desktop/fasfaf.png': No such file or directory
20:10:21.734: gs_image_file_init: Failed to load file /Desktop/fasfaf.png'
20:10:21.734: [image_source: 'Image'] failed to load texture '/Desktop/fasfaf.png'
20:10:22.019: Switched to scene 'Games'
20:10:22.021: ------------------------------------------------
20:10:22.021: Loaded scenes:
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Framework':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'StreamLabs Alerts' (browser_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'StreamLabs media' (browser_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Action text vertical' (group)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Action texts horizonal' (group)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Stream start':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Lappi' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Stream is starting' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 2' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 3' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 4' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 5' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 6' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 7' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Games':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Webcam' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Framework' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Heartrate' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Stream ending':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Circus' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Snow fall' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Framework' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Stream is endingf' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Changing game':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Nes video' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Elevator music' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Changing text' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Framework' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Webcam' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 5' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 5' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 5' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Image 5' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Old games':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Old monitor' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Star background' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Monkey island' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Twitch' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Webcam layout' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Mese2' (group)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Webcam' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Framework' (scene)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'te' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Gametimecounter' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Window Capture 2' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Break':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Relaxvideo' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Break text' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Food':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Food video' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Food txt' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Windows XP Intermission':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'WindowsXP Background' (image_source)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Current time' (text_gdiplus)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Winamp group' (group)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Messenger group' (group)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Mediaplayer' (group)
20:10:22.021: - source: '3D Pinball' (window_capture)
20:10:22.021: - source: 'Notepad group' (group)
20:10:22.021: - scene 'Webcam':
20:10:22.021: - source: 'C920' (dshow_input)
20:10:22.021: - filter: 'Sharpen' (sharpness_filter)
20:10:22.021: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter)
20:10:22.022: - source: 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.022: - scene 'Webcam layout':
20:10:22.022: - source: 'C920' (dshow_input)
20:10:22.022: - filter: 'Sharpen' (sharpness_filter)
20:10:22.022: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter)
20:10:22.022: - source: 'Facecam anim' (ffmpeg_source)
20:10:22.022: - scene 'Scene 2':
20:10:22.022: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
20:10:22.022: - source: 'Display Capture' (monitor_capture)
20:10:22.022: - source: 'Display Capture' (monitor_capture)
20:10:22.022: ------------------------------------------------

After this stream i have also tested overclocking and i stabilized my 8700k @ 4,8GHz, so it is steady 4,8 all the time. I have tried to run OBS as admin. I have closed all other programs so i had only OBS and Metro Exodus open, and still the Game Capture on OBS would stutter.


Active Member
After this stream i have also tested overclocking and i stabilized my 8700k @ 4,8GHz, so it is steady 4,8 all the time. I have tried to run OBS as admin. I have closed all other programs so i had only OBS and Metro Exodus open, and still the Game Capture on OBS would stutter.

There's no output session in that log, so no performance information.

You've got complex scenes with multiple game and monitor captures in the same scene, which is non-performant.

You've got multiple video sources with hardware decoding turned on.

You're also using the RC, which means no one can tell if the problem in your log is related to the release version, or is unique to the RC, which makes it hard to diagnose as well.

I am guessing you have rendering lag but without a complete output session I can't tell, because OBS doesn't write that information to the log except during an active streaming or recording session-- even if you can see the problem happening to the live preview when you're not streaming or recording-- because OBS is rendering all the time when it is open, but doesn't write that info to the log when not live.


New Member
There's no output session in that log, so no performance information.

You've got complex scenes with multiple game and monitor captures in the same scene, which is non-performant.

You've got multiple video sources with hardware decoding turned on.

You're also using the RC, which means no one can tell if the problem in your log is related to the release version, or is unique to the RC, which makes it hard to diagnose as well.

I am guessing you have rendering lag but without a complete output session I can't tell, because OBS doesn't write that information to the log except during an active streaming or recording session-- even if you can see the problem happening to the live preview when you're not streaming or recording-- because OBS is rendering all the time when it is open, but doesn't write that info to the log when not live.

I will do more testing. I try to delete all scenes and do only game capture, and try current stable release etc. I will report how it goes.


Active Member
It's often helpful to have a very minimal profile and scene collection on hand to test with, to see if problems are related to specific scenes, sources or streaming platforms, or something affecting an app or an entire system.


Active Member
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 11 (0.1%)
14:59:58.555: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 12/7523 (0.2%)

Rendering and encoding lag are minimal, but I am seeing a warning that use of non-standard framerates (other than 30 or 60) can cause stutter. I wonder if the lag would have worsened if the session was longer than.. two seconds.

Still, the rendering lag means that at least some point during those two seconds, your GPU hit 100%.


New Member
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 11 (0.1%)
14:59:58.555: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 12/7523 (0.2%)

Rendering and encoding lag are minimal, but I am seeing a warning that use of non-standard framerates (other than 30 or 60) can cause stutter. I wonder if the lag would have worsened if the session was longer than.. two seconds.

Still, the rendering lag means that at least some point during those two seconds, your GPU hit 100%.
It's weird because I've been streaming for the past 2-3 hours when i had that log, I also literally just changed the FPS value to record at 40, I almost always use 30-60, but ive been trying literally everything to get this stutter in metro to stop happening


Active Member
14:57:53.133: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
14:58:12.253: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] ----------------- d3d12 capture freed ----------------


14:58:51.685: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] shared texture capture successful
14:59:55.041: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
14:59:55.041: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Matt/Videos/2019-02-19 14-59-55.flv'...
14:59:57.604: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Matt/Videos/2019-02-19 14-59-55.flv' stopped
14:59:57.604: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
14:59:57.604: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 139
14:59:57.604: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 154
14:59:57.604: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
14:59:58.555: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] User stopped the stream
14:59:58.555: socket_thread_windows: Normal exit
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': stopping
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 7516
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 7553 (7564 attempted)
14:59:58.555: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 11 (0.1%)
14:59:58.555: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 12/7523 (0.2%)
14:59:58.557: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================

There is a session start after that, but since it doesn't finish, so either the longer session wasn't in the log yet, or it was in the previous log.


Active Member
It does look to me like that is not a stutter caused by lagged rendering or encoding of frames, but something either the game does itself, or that it does when OBS is running, or of an interaction between game capture and this particular game. I don't think you've got anything set improperly, and the effect you're seeing seems to be well in excess of what could be caused by the recorded frame drops in your log.


New Member
It does look to me like that is not a stutter caused by lagged rendering or encoding of frames, but something either the game does itself, or that it does when OBS is running, or of an interaction between game capture and this particular game. I don't think you've got anything set improperly, and the effect you're seeing seems to be well in excess of what could be caused by the recorded frame drops in your log.

yeah that's what I've been thinking too, I just got this 2080 ti as well, and I only bought metro just to see what the card could do and push it limits, so if i turn down all the settings then it defeats the entire point, I guess ill just have to deal with it, I appreciate your time and help though.


New Member
It's often helpful to have a very minimal profile and scene collection on hand to test with, to see if problems are related to specific scenes, sources or streaming platforms, or something affecting an app or an entire system.

Okay so i installed the latest stable release of OBS and i deleted almost all scenes. Game capture lagged still a lot and here is the log and here is one really good example from stream, how much it stutters


  • 2019-02-20 02-51-35.txt
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