Bug Report OBS can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

8 months ago? Damn, long time. I've backburnered these devices for too long.

I finally got the device just the other day, probably won't be able to get it implemented immediately but I've got it and can finally directly experiment on it.

Better late than never I suppose. Besides this should make a lot more devices than just hauppauge work


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Awesome, really looking forward to HD PVR 2 Support for OBS. :)


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Is someone actually trying to get the HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition to work with OBS? If so that's awesome. I just started to get into live streaming and xSplit I don't care for and OBS would be awesome if I didn't get a darn red box with my PVR.


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Yes, I am. I bought one and am currently experimenting with it and figuring out the device as we speak. I'll keep you guys updated on it as I progress.


Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Excellent cant wait! - Thank you :)

One request whilst Jim looks into this would be to mute the sound from the PC Speakers when its grabbing the HDPVR stuff (but still stream it)

This is a massive problem with xSplit and the HDPVR at the moment.

I think i have explained this easily?


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

I finally figured out how to interface with it, stayed awake until dawn this morning tinkering with it actually -- it's a slight pain but I did figure it out fortunately. Also, coincidentally I figured out how to interface with the encoder on the C985 at the same time, which is pretty nice.

It uses this weird "656" pin that baffled me at first but it just goes into another provided filter you have to connect to that outputs a proper stream. Then you get the actual output from the device, which you can then decode. Sadly, getting the signal decoded will take quite some time. This may still take quite some time before it can be properly implemented sadly


Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Hi Jim,

Firstly well done, and its very much appreciated :)

If you ever need anybody to test etc, drop me an email I would be more than happy to do so :)


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

I don't know if this helps or not but I used a tool from http://obsproject.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=59 that which you "Jim" also started. That was what I got from it. I noticed the Pin 656 you mentioned and thought it might be helpful.
Device: Hauppauge Siena Video Capture
  Pin: 656
    category: {4EF89945-4D43-48D7-A4-42-A1-B4-E7-81-30-36}
    00.) major type: MEDIATYPE_Video
         sub type: {32574348-005B-4504-99-F8-90-82-6C-80-66-57}
         format type: FORMAT_VideoInfo (CXF2)


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Yep, I kow about the 656 pin and how to get it working. I just have to get ffmpeg working and get a proper directshow capture pipeline to do it, it's somewhat painful to code unfortunately because it's device-specific code, and quite elaborate code at that. Have to get the output from the 656, separate the interleaved audio/video, decode it via libavutil.

It's a lot of code to write, and I haven't been able to work on it non-stop as well so it's taking a long time. There are other stuff right now that also are taking up my time, especially bugs (currently trying to fix CFR cascading late frames that happens in certain cases but is fairly critical), and also the current major refactoring occurring on the whole code base as well. But I have at least made some progress on the PVR and have been making some time for it.

I'm sorry that I'm not able to really move as fast as I know you guys would prefer. At the very least I would like you guys to know that it definitely will eventually be fixed, because I do have it figured out now at least and am working on it (albeit somewhat slowly).
Wow, this is indeed some good news, and I'm glad to see that this thread is fairly recent... however it's been 20 some odd days since the last post... any word on the progress made?

Good work btw, love OBS.


New Member
thegameplayingcouple said:
Wow, this is indeed some good news, and I'm glad to see that this thread is fairly recent... however it's been 20 some odd days since the last post... any word on the progress made?

Good work btw, love OBS.

I think this is the longest thread to survive in my own thread-making forum history.


Community Helper
This is still in the pipe, but Jim is still pretty busy working on some other important things, so there's still no ETA on this yet. It has definitely not been forgotten, though, and is a high priority.


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No the delay of this is entirely my fault. The problem is there's a new codebase in the works and writing it into the old code base will be a waste of time -- we're pretty much refactoring all the code so while we're refactoring the directshow stuff we're going to add in the device support as well so it's two birds with one stone.

I know it's taking me such a long time to fulfill this promise, but I'm not going to break it, I have the device, I know how to get it to work, but I'm just being held back continually on it


New Member
I have been checking this thread on and off for awhile now and i have to say this is probably the most anticipating thing i have ever waited for lol. I know there's Delays but i really don't mind it. So Jim take your time with it, We know you're a very busy person and things come up that are more important then others. The wait will be worth it.


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It is going to be implemented in the new code. It has to be implemented in the new code instead of the old code, so it's been an unfortunate but necessary delay. There will be new developments and news in reference to the new code soon.