
Free NohBoard v1.3.0


Oh right, I forgot to explain that. I hope this explains it enough, if not, please let me know and I'll create a simple example.

Create a subfolder in the folder containing the style you want to add images to, with the name of the style. Then inside that folder, place images. In the style editor for the keys, you can enter just the filename of that image, not the folders leading up to it, and it will try to load that image.

So, let's say I have one of your keyboards, it is stored in:

I have created a keyboard specific version of your john style, so this file is called:

I have an image, called cat.jpg which I want to add to a button, then I place this image file in:

I for whatever key I want to set the image, then fill in for background Image:
this is very cool, it worked, nice job btw

Edit: Here is an update of my keyboard. now it has the keys and the font (made by me) from Blackwidow keyboard: Here
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noh, i saw that it's possible to put png with transparency, but i noticed that when setted as pressed key, when the key is pressed, the background from the unpressed key doesn't go away. im saying it because i made an image of my keys smaller, to give the feeling of being pressed, but when i press the key, i can see the unpressed background at the back, which ruins the effect... so if u can make the unpressed background disaper when the pressed one is showed, that would be great.

another thing that i noticed is that when i open the "Edit Keyboard Style" menu when an image is already setted as "Loose Keys", for example, the whole "Loose Keys" section is changed... the color goes all black and the font and the font size is setted as "Microsoft Sans Serif" and 8... must be a bug...


Hmm, allowing transparent images was not actually an intentional thing, that just works like that I guess. The reason it shows the unpressed key beneath it is because it pre-renders the surface with all keys unpressed and uses that to draw the pressed keys over. I could change this, but this would impact the performance quite significantly, especially with bigger keyboards. I would think the solution is to not make the images transparent, but have the transparent parts be the same color as the keyboard background?

The second part is indeed a bug, I noticed the same when I tried out your keyboard. I will try to work on this over the weekend.


Oh, yeah, making the transparent part the same color as the color key solves the problem, it's easier anyway... However, thank you for your attention.


Another update of my keyboard, now I made 3 styles: Here
clean: without any image as key background
unpressed: with key background only on unpressed keys
unpressed_and_pressed: with key background on unpressed and pressed keys
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I fixed the problem with the Edit Keyboard Style window. A quick build is attached, while I work on the comments below before making a new release.

This font thing has had me thinking a bit. I can't really distribute NohBoard with all the fonts users put in their styles. Now I see that the Razer BlackWidow font ( is shared under a pretty liberal CreativeCommons license ( So I'm going to try to implement the option that NohBoard has the option to do two things:

1. When trying to load a font that is not installed, allow the user to download it by providing a link to this font. The creator of the style will have to provide these download links naturally. I will fill this in for the style you posted.
2. When the user decides not to download a font, he has the option to choose an alternative font from the ones he has installed, to replace all instances of this font with.

One other point, you keep including the keys in all caps. I would prefer if you used the regular capitalization, like in the keys I included in the last release of NohBoard. If you want them to be all capitalized, then just set this option in the settings.


    38.5 KB · Views: 127
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About the font: i saw that font before, but that is very badly done... That's why I made my version... Idk how to provide a link for my version, if someone knows, please, tell me how.
About the capitalization: if I provide another update of my keyboards i will fix that, thanks


New Member
I'm looking to add my 'sharpshooter' button on my M65 to my current board-in-progress but I cannot find a single place or app that scans for mousekey keycode inputs.
Any advice or is this a lost cause due to proprietary coding?
(Thinking about it, its probably more to do with the keycode not actually being sent to the drivers, instead just a command sent for DPI change)
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About the font: i saw that font before, but that is very badly done... That's why I made my version... Idk how to provide a link for my version, if someone knows, please, tell me how.
About the capitalization: if I provide another update of my keyboards i will fix that, thanks
Ah, if it's home made, you can provide it under your own chosen license. Except if it is based on another font. Then you'll have to check that font for its license to see what it permits. You should be able to upload that font to some font site.

I'm looking to add my 'sharpshooter' button on my M65 to my current board-in-progress but I cannot find a single place or app that scans for mousekey keycode inputs.
Any advice or is this a lost cause due to proprietary coding?
(Thinking about it, its probably more to do with the keycode not actually being sent to the drivers, instead just a command sent for DPI change)
You could try the old NohBoard, and edit the nohboard.ini file, add Debug=1, you can then see in the title bar if NohBoard picks up the mouse key or not.


New Member
What exactly is considered 'old'? I grabbed 17b and 6b, neither of them respond to debug=1 when I put them in the 'nohboard.config' they create.


17b is the old one. with new I meant before the rewrite I have been making.
I just checked, it should be 'debug 1', not 'debug=1'


New Member
This debug mode only works for keyboard keycodes, not mouse keycodes, which I need.
(It is showing the keycodes, but only updates for keyboard presses, which I don't need)


Ah you are right, not sure why I made it that way. I'll try to get the same functionality working in the rewrite in not too long. And this time including mouse keys. For the rest, I'm not sure what I can do for you. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it capture lots of custom mouse keys. And it's hard to test without actually owning such a mouse.


New Member
Just getting to see mouse-codes is enough, it'll tell me if the button I'm looking for is even being sent thru the OS or if its internal to the mouse only.


Open the mouse_all keyboard. Those are all the mouse buttons that are supported. If none is triggered by it, then it currently won't work.


New Member
Hello! I would like a little help with this program;
While playing a game called Elsword, none of the inputs I make seem to be sensed by Nohboard. If I click out of the Elsword window, Nohboard can once again sense my inputs. Am I doing something wrong that's not allowing Nohboard to get inputs?


Option 1: It simply isn't capable of rending anymore when behind a full-screen application. The solution here seems to be to place it on another monitor than the one running the game. This doesn't always work and it is still not entirely clear to me when this does and does not work.

Option 2: The game is eating the keypresses and there is nothing for NohBoard to process. The solution is to run NohBoard as administrator so it registers higher in the pipeline for keyboard and mouse events.

It would also be nice to know which version of NohBoard you are using.


Someone knows why I'm not receiving email notifications even watching the resource? It's just this one, other resources I receive...